New Addison fire hall 90% done

Addison Township residents don’t have to look far to see how much the township’s new fire hall is appreciated – just take a glance at the smile on Fire Chief George Spencer’s face when he talks about the project.
‘Our goal was to get a strong, functional building with good, utilitarian equipment,? said Spencer during a tour of the structure. ‘I think we’ve done exactly that.?
The hall, which is located on Rochester Rd. just inside the Village of Leonard, is 90 percent complete. As of their June 7 regular meeting, township officials had approved 81.8 percent of the construction payments, including any necessary additions.
‘We have a fixed cost project. It really eliminates those surprises or gotchas in a build,? explained Chief Spencer. ‘We have had to make some small changes here and there as construction has gone on, but they’ve been nothing more than finding something that won’t work as well as we thought or wasn’t the best engineering.?
In fact, the township has only approved $24,120 in change orders, or 1.7 percent over the $1.36 million approved by the township. Spencer said there will be a few more changes coming, but nothing significant, simply items that made the building more ‘user friendly? or functional.
‘We also still have the potential of coming in under the amount,? he added. ‘We’ve saved some costs elsewhere, but in the end, we’re going to be watching these final payments very closely.?
The largest items left to complete are the installation of the transformer by DTE Energy and drilling the well. Some smaller items still on the list include finishing the walls, painting, carpeting, tiling, painting the bay floors and installing the drop ceilings.
At their June 7 meeting, the Addison Township Board approved several equipment and furniture needs, despite some disagreements among board members. Township trustee Pat Eisenhardt voiced her displeasure during the meeting at not having received the listing of bids before the requested approval.
‘I have never seen any list on any furniture or anything else,? she stated. ‘I can tell you right now, until I can look at this and find out what you are looking for, until I see the bids, I’m not doing anything.?
Trustee Sandra Campbell took a different perspective: ‘I understand what you want to see Pat, but didn’t we already approve the budget for this, and aren’t all of these amounts under that budget? I don’t see the point in holding this up.?
The board voted four to three to purchase the following equipment for the new hall: general furniture at $19,513 (budgeted at $29,300), chairs and tables for the training room at $6,141 (budgeted at $7,000), a phone system at $10,975 (budgeted $12,000), gear racks for the vehicle bay at $2,733 (budgeted $5,700), and appliances for the kitchen at $3,012 (budgeted $4,000). The furniture purchase for $19,513 did not include bunk beds or furniture for a room once planned to be an office.
‘We came in at about 23 percent under the budgeted amounts for outfitting the building with what’s been recommended or approved,? said Spencer.
The only purchase to not be approved by the township, by a three to four vote, was for storage cabinets. Chief Spencer said that sealed bids were requested, but only one was returned.
‘We most likely will go out to bid again on the storage system,? Spencer explained, ‘however, I’m not positive yet what will happen.?
The department will also have to look into purchasing beds for the bunk rooms and furniture for the room which is now being made into a conference room. Spencer did not have a timeline yet on these purchases, but hopes to have them completed as soon as possible.
Township officials expect construction to be completed and the building turned over to the fire department sometime between June 30 and July 15. Chief Spencer hopes to have the station operational by the end of July.

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