School board candidates respond to Leader survey

School board elections are right around the corner ? Monday, June 14, to be exact ? and area voters need all the information they can gather.
With this in mind, The Oxford Leader sent a survey to each of the four candidates vying for the two open four-year seats on the Oxford Schools Board of Education. Following are the candidates individual responses in their own words:

Lisa Marie Baum
Age: 38
Resident of Oxford Schools for how long? Eight years.
Resident of where? Oxford Township
For how long? Eight years.
Family (Spouse and Children): Married, one child
Occupation: Mother
Education/Career Background: Suburban Tool Auburn Hills 1997-1998; Sterling Band & Trust Southfield 1995-1996
Why do you want to be a school board member? When did you make the decision to run? With ever increasing reductions in state funding forcing district wide budget cuts, our children will continue to lose more services and programs. Parents need to get involved, take an active role and become an integral part of the decision making process. I made the decision to run for school board when I began researching and comparing districts in Oakland County. I was amazed by surrounding areas and found a big difference in the curriculum offered. I also realized a resident’s tax base determines the quality of programs your child receives.
What qualifications do you have that will assist you as a board member? I am honest, well educated and truly enjoy helping people. I have a strong service background which will help me in the overall decision making process that affects our children. My psychology background would also be an asset to the school board and the public as well.
What do you see as the greatest challenge facing the district in the near future? With more budget cuts coming from the state, children will continue to lose more services that they are entitled to. One has to ensure that the policies and programs eliminated or changed will not harm the children academically in any way. We have to ensure the quality of education across the board at all levels – elementary, middle school and high school.
It amazes me Michigan invests more than $12 billion in K-12 education alone – $6,700 per pupil. But less than 50 cents of every tax dollar collected for education makes its way to the classroom, giving the state of Michigan a ranking of 44th in the nation. This has to stop!
What are the three topics you’ve been focusing upon most when speaking to residents about your campaign?
(Examples: Curriculum, Importance of Technology, Cutbacks, Specials) Cut backs, curriculum and administrative salaries and perks.
If elected, what goals would you like to see accomplished during your term as a board member? To create a friendlier relationship that welcomes parents of the community. I would also like to see a second foreign language at the high school level. It is crucial to offer a variety of languages with our ever-shrinking business world and with more jobs being outsourced overseas. Curriculum and language programs come before athletics.
As a school board member, who do you believe you work for: the public or the administration? You work for the public and do what is best for the welfare and safety of the children. You make the administration a priority as well, but always put the children first, generous contracts second.

Judy Kubina
Age: 42
Resident of Oxford Schools for how long? I have lived in the Oxford area for 13 years.
Family (Spouse and Children): Married 18? years to Joe Kubina. We have two sons: Brad, 17, a junior at OHS, and Eric, 15, a freshman at OHS.
Occupation: I have worked at Accu-Script Transcription Services in Lake Orion since 2002.
Education/Career Background: I have earned a BA from Michigan State University in communications. I am also a Certified School Board Member through the Michigan Association of School Boards.
Why do you want to be a school board member? When did you make the decision to run? I have no personal agenda in running for this position, just a strong commitment and eight years experience as a school board member. I have seen a lot of changes within the education community. Stability and continuity is vital to success of the Board of Education and ultimately our students. I decided to seek re-election when I realized that I still had the passion and commitment to serve!
What qualifications do you have that will assist you as a board member? Experience and continuity are essential elements to a successful school board. I see myself as someone who is an experienced and certified board member who can see ‘the big picture.?
What do you see as the greatest challenge facing the district in the near future? The greatest challenge facing Oxford Schools is funding uncertainty. The district must operate and strive to enhance the curriculum while keeping in-check with funding bestowed by the taxpayers. This is becoming a larger and tougher challenge in today’s economy.
What are the three topics you’ve been focusing upon most when speaking to residents about your campaign?
(Examples: Curriculum, Importance of Technology, Cutbacks, Specials) I have always been a strong advocate for curriculum. I am proud of the caliber of Oxford’s program, as it was written by the teaching staff, and as such has a great deal of ‘ownership? and commitment. I strongly believe that school board member continuity and experience will help guide the district with difficult decisions that are on the horizon.
If elected, what goals would you like to see accomplished during your term as a board member? To continue to provide a top-notch education that allows all of our students to succeed in the world.
As a school board member, who do you believe you work for: the public or the administration? As a member of the Board of Education, I am there to represent all of the students in the Oxford Area Community Schools district. When asked to make any decision I always ask myself, ‘Is this the best choice for all the students in the district?? That is the ultimate responsibility of this position… to best serve the community and their students.

Carol Mitchell-Bliemeister
Age: 49
Resident of Oxford Schools for how long? 17 years
Resident of where? Dryden Township
For how long? Nine years
Family (Spouse and Children): Three daughters: Angela, a graduate of Oxford Schools; Katherine, ninth grade at OHS; and Sarah, sixth grade at OMS.
Occupation: Associate Broker for Century 21 Real Estate
Education/Career Background: Attended Henry Ford Community College; Vice President of Business Ventures Inc. for three years; and Associate Broker for Century 21 Real Estate for 15 years.
Why do you want to be a school board member? When did you make the decision to run? I want to remain a school board member because I feel I have just become comfortable in this role and have worked on many things this past year that I would like to see through completion (examples are budget cuts and No Child Left Behind). I made the decision to run when I was approached by many people and asked to please run and stay on the board.
What qualifications do you have that will assist you as a board member? Experience. I have served on the board for one year now. I have also served on the Oxford/Orion Kiwanis Board for four years. I have served as chairperson of children services and also chairperson of fund-raising.
I have worked or volunteered with Oxford School children for the past 17 years. I care about these kids and their families I have met through these experiences. I am not a one issue person that would benefit my child only. I am able to look at all sides of all issues and make a decision that will benefit all the children even though it may not be the best for my children.
What do you see as the greatest challenge facing the district in the near future? The budget cuts that have resulted from federal and state cuts. I am proud of the fact that Oxford has been able to confront these budget cuts and make adjustments without affecting the teachers and staff, and the children’s curriculum.
What are the three topics you’ve been focusing upon most when speaking to residents about your campaign?
(Examples: Curriculum, Importance of Technology, Cutbacks, Specials) I have focused on budget cuts and how we have adjusted and will continue to adjust. Next is our curriculum, which has been second to none, and I hope to keep it that way. Lastly is our new buildings and keeping the transition a smooth one, along with the excitement for our whole community on the facilities that are in our high school which will benefit us all.
If elected, what goals would you like to see accomplished during your term as a board member? First, completion of our new high school. Second, continue to work together with our administration to deal with the budget cuts. And third, continue to keep on top of technology so we can make the changes needed to our curriculum to keep it one of the best there is.
As a school board member, who do you believe you work for: the public or the administration? I am there as a voice for all the children and their families in the district so my answer is the public.

Linda Simlar
Age: 45
Resident of Oxford Schools for how long? Eight years.
Resident of where? Oxford Wood Subdivision
For how long? Eight years.
Family (Spouse and Children): Husband Michael, and three children ages 13, 7 and 5
Occupation: Co-owner of Excell Express, Inc., a trucking company specializing in the movement of high-tech machinery related to the auto industry.
Education/Career Background: Bachelor’s of science degree in business administration from Central Michigan University. I have been in the transportation field since 1987.
Why do you want to be a school board member? When did you make the decision to run? I have been in business during changing economic climates and know it is important to be able to adjust to change as well as think about the future. Planning for the future and looking ahead are part of successfully surviving.
I made the decision to run for board member after attending several board meetings and watching how school district business is conducted.
What qualifications do you have that will assist you as a board member? In business, changing factors force businesses to adjust and respond quickly and economically. School districts are businesses as well with many of the same challenges. Further, with three children in the schools, I have hands on knowledge of the daily difficulties faced by both the children and the parents.
What do you see as the greatest challenge facing the district in the near future? To provide a quality education and prepare our children for the future during changing times.
What are the three topics you’ve been focusing upon most when speaking to residents about your campaign?
(Examples: Curriculum, Importance of Technology, Cutbacks, Specials) When speaking to residents about my campaign, I encourage parents to go to board meetings to find out what’s going on not only in their children’s classrooms, but also within the district. To get to know the board and administrators because those are the people that make the actual decisions that affect all our children. And most importantly, exercise your right to vote. Voting for your elected officials is voting for your children.
If elected, what goals would you like to see accomplished during your term as a board member? If elected, I’d like to see the board and administration be more receptive to parental concerns and take advantage of what parents have to offer. Parents are not outsiders and should not be treated as such.
As a school board member, who do you believe you work for: the public or the administration? Voters put them there to look out for their interests and speak on their behalf.

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