Health benefits to kick in sooner for full-timers

The Addison Township Board of Trustees voted unanimously at a May 17 special meeting to amend their employee manual and cafeteria plan so that part-time employees promoted to a full time position can receive benefits sooner.
The employee manual originally stated that full-time employees, their current spouse and dependent children could receive group health insurance after 180 days of full-time employment. The cafeteria plan makes a similar statement listing all employees who work at least 40 hours per week and who have completed three months full-time service.
The new changes state: ‘After 90 days of full time employment or a part-time employee promoted to full-time, currently employed part-time for Addison Township for a minimum of two consecutive years, and with the approval of the township’s insurance carrier.?
The need for the amendment came about after Fire Chief George Spencer requested for the board to waive the 180-day requirement for a 4? year, part-time employed medic who was being promoted to full-time.
‘This is not something new or unusual,? Spencer told board members at their regular May meeting. ‘We have needed to do something similar to this with employees before. But we have also had employees wait the 180 days.?
Spencer said the employee needed the insurance coverage because of family difficulties. If the worker has to wait the 180 days, he will have to carry two full-time jobs in order to maintain his insurance coverage.
‘I want his attention specifically on the job we have for him here and the new training he is receiving,? said Spencer.
Several board members voiced concerns about ‘picking and choosing? who would be required to follow the 180-day rule and who would not have to. Township Clerk Pauline Bennett stated during the discussion that she would want to change the employee manual in order to set appropriate policy.
‘These are really treacherous areas of regulation,? counselled township attorney Bob Davis. ‘I agree that parameters need to be set concerning who this applies to and who it doesn’t.?
‘I can see requesting the adjustment for employees going from part-time to full-time,? said Trustee Pat Eisenhardt, ‘but I don’t know that I entirely see the need for it.?
The board decided to review the employee handbook and cafeteria plan in order to see what changes could be made. Trustees also requested that the township’s insurance carrier be contacted for any additional points that may be required.
Township Trustee Ed Brakefield added that the board should move as quickly as possible on this since ‘he is a dedicated and loyal firefighter.?
The board reviewed the changes and approved the amendments at a special meeting held on May 17.

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