Busy year for Lakeville council

Members of the Lakeville Student Council have been busy-little-bees this school year reaching out to their teachers, their fellow students and their community.
‘We were a very active Student Council,? said Kim Kreilach, student council sponsor. ‘My goal as student council sponsor was to make the children accountable to be active in their school, their community and their world, as well as teach them to show appreciation for their teachers and other educators.?
The student council’s largest community service project for the year was adopting the seniors at Campbell’s Personal Care Center on Lakeville Rd. The student’s first visit was at Christmas time when they read holiday stories one-on-one with the seniors; sang Christmas carols; and shared cookies, gifts and cards.
For Valentine’s Day and Easter, the students sent cards, letters and treats. On April 29, the youngsters made their final trip to the center, where they played games, and shared prizes and treats with them.
In addition to these activities, the students also organized a host of other projects within the school:
n They raised money through a Loose Change Drive to help a local family in need.
n They made ornaments for the ‘Giving Tree? at Christmas time to provide gifts for needy families in the area.
n The participated in a toy collection for the military to give to children in Afghanistan.
n They ran the school’s mail system.
n Sponsored several Spirit Days to earn money for the school.
n Organized a Valentine’s Day Happy Gram fund-raiser for the school.
n And are presently sponsoring several projects to earn money for Relay for Life.
‘I strived to instill leadership within the children,? Kreilach added, ‘and they were a wonderful group of kids to work with! Their parents were outstanding in their support and in holding their children accountable to complete projects.?
And that’s still not everything they’ve accomplished.
To show their appreciation for the staff and teachers of Lakeville Elementary, the council spearheaded several ‘thank-you? projects including: serving a bagged breakfast to the bus drivers, serving the entire staff breakfast for Staff Appreciation Week, providing the entire staff with homemade treats throughout the year, using recycled items to make the entire staff gifts, making a blanket for Lakeville Principal Sharon Karpinski, and raising funds to take Karpinski and the school secretary out to lunch and present them with a large school-wide ‘thank-you? note.
Members of the student council and Kreilach would like to thank some specific individuals for their support and encouragement: Lakeville Elementary Principal Sharon Karpinski for her love of the students and the school; Oxford Elementary Student Council Sponsor Sherry Sikov for great community project ideas; last year’s sponsor Lisa Wells, now at Leonard, for sharing many great ideas; and Pastor Loren Covarrubias, Mrs. Kreilach’s pastor, for being an inspiration.

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