Springfield birthday party attracts good crowd

Recent torrential rains spared downtown Davisburg Saturday, May 22, allowing residents to shower ‘happy birthday? wishes to Springfield Township.
Organized by the Springfield Business Association, the event included a parade down Broadway followed by a ‘day in the ‘burg? featuring local businesses, historic building tours and a variety of entertainment.
Sheriff Michael Bouchard, grand marshall of the parade, walked the route at the front of the parade, followed by sheriff’s department mounted and motorcycle units.
They were followed by a line of Scouts, floats, vehicles and marchers, including a good number of politicians running for office this year.
First Baptist Church of Davisburg had a church bus and walkers in the parade, but he enjoyed the viewpoint of a spectator.
‘It was awesome,? Burnett said. ‘It was a community effort. Everybody who was involved in it represents who this community is. We’re trying to make people more aware of who’s a part of this community.?
Township Trustee Margaret Bloom appreciated some of the historical emphasis of the parade.
‘I liked the horses and the tractors, and I liked seeing some of the old folks,? she said.
Jill Konopitski and her husband, Phil, had front row seats on Broadway.
‘I thought it was great,? she said. ‘It’s a little town, and it’s something to go on down here. It was a lot of fun. They should make it an annual thing.?
Organizer Diane Wozniak said that is the goal, and the first effort has given the business association the motivation to continue. The parade was to have featured about 35 marching units, but ended up with about 50.
‘People were coming out of the woodwork,? she said. ‘We gave people a reason to come downtown and they showed up.?
Springfield Township was founded in 1836, with the official anniversary in March, but organizers felt the early date would be a bit cold for a parade. The weekend before Memorial Day weekend appears to be a good one to avoid conflict with other community celebrations, Wozniak said.

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