Four new positions created within Addison FD

By Jenny Matteson
Leader Staff Writer
The Addison Township Board of Trustees March 27 approved a fire department budget that included a 9 percent increase in revenues and the addition of several new department positions.
The fire department has set the total available operational tax levy for 2004-2005 at $532,970. The total estimated cost recovery from 2003-2004 is set at $58,000 for a combined revenue of $590,970 – about 9.03 percent above the previous fiscal year.
‘We run on last year’s collected taxes,? explained Chief George Spencer. ‘Our’s is built in revenues that we have on hand.?
The current operational expenditures are set at $589,000, up approximately $106,000 from the previous year. The department’s final fund balance, not including reserves, is $1,970. ‘We do our best to run a tight ship,? stated Spencer.
The fire department’s budget did see several large increases in expenditures this year, especially with the construction of Station 1 in the Village of Leonard. However, some of the most important increases were the addition of one full time firefighter and the creation of four new positions.
According to Chief Spencer, the department hired a third career firefighter/medic at a total cost of around $50,000. He said the goal is to have the stations staffed 24-7 for increased safety of everyone in the township.
The fire department’s wage compensation resolution created four new positions within the department. The first is a Captain position that receives an additional $1,200 a year on top of wages. Spencer stated that he has not had a captain position before, but felt the need was there with the upcoming retirement of Chief Desrochers.
‘With Chief Desrochers leaving, I wanted to be able to promote someone in order to fill the gap and help with some of the duties he had,? explained Spencer. ‘Right now we don’t have any one that can do that, and we are losing 32 years of experience. That’s hard to replace.?
Two of the positions fall under coordinator pay: HAZMAT Coordinator ($800 a year in addition to wages) and Technical Rescue Coordinator ($800 a year in addition to wages). Both positions are needed due to extra duties and responsibilities within the North Oakland Mutual Aid Association.
The fourth is an Office Manager position. This position created a lengthy debate among township trustees who were concerned about having both Administrative Assistant and Office Manager positions.
Trustee Ed Brakefield stated that he was concerned the new positions were simply ‘back-door raises.? He was concerned that positions were being added, especially the Office Manager, without any being removed, leaving the door open for extra hirings.
‘We’re not deleting anything with this and that’s my concern,? he stated during the township’s annual meeting.
Trustee Sandy Campbell agreed: ‘I personally can’t support raises of any kind at this time. I understand that these people deserve this, I just don’t think the timing is right.?
‘These positions will be filled by individuals already within the department who have gone out and received the extra training and are taking on extra responsibilities,? explained Spencer during the meeting. ‘This is pay for extra work, not raises.?
After adjusting the resolution so that the wording was clear that there would be no additional hiring of positions, the township board of trustees approved the fire department’s budget with a unanimous vote.

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