Lake Orion DDA honors ‘Hometown Volunteers’

By Jim Newell
Managing Editor
LAKE ORION— The Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority recently honored those volunteers in the community who go above and beyond each year to help make Lake Orion a special place to live, work and play.
These volunteers help promote the downtown district, attend special events and volunteer their time to help make Lake Orion a vibrant community, said DDA Executive Director Matt Gibb, adding that the DDA could not accomplish all it does without the help of these “hometown volunteers who make everything possible.”
“This only exists because of volunteers like you,” Gibb said.
The awards were presented during a special ceremony at 313 Pizza in downtown Lake Orion, with several local officials and business owners in attendance to recognize the efforts of the volunteers.
“I just want to say that the reason this community is amazing is because of you,” said Debbie Burgess, chair of the DDA Board of Directors. “That’s why we’re great. It’s because of you. It’s a reflection of your values, it’s a reflection of your passion, it’s a reflection of those things that you hold dear to your heart.”
Award Winners:
• The Oakview Middle School CyberDragons Robotics Team won the Tour de Force Award. The CyberDragons helped out with the DDA’s outdoor Movie Night event and attend several DDA events.
• Orion Township Fire Chief Ryan Allen won the Top Recruit Award, which goes to a new volunteer with the DDA. “We hope we recruited this young man into a more permanent volunteer role,” Gibb said.
• Linda Crane received the Spirit of Main Street Award for her volunteer work with DDA projects. The Main Street award winner helps create an atmosphere and spirit of wanting to be downtown.
• Anthony Medina received the Best Costumed Volunteer Award for dressing up in costume for many events in downtown Lake Orion, including dressing up as the Grinch for the DDA’s Christmas holiday festivities and “putting smiles on children’s faces,” Gibb said.
• Village Council President Teresa Rutt and her family received the Best Booth Ambassador Award for manning booths at events downtown. “Her spirit is so great. You have to support your community in a way that’s just service, and brings her family along to make it a family affair,” Gibb said. “The Rutts have been an integral part of service to the Lake Orion community.”
• Former Village Manager Joe Young won the I’ll Get My Tools Award. Young received a special hammer as a trophy. “Anytime we call him there’s never a hesitation to help,” Gibb said, adding there were seven people nominated for the award. “Joe, you’re a blessing to us and you’re a blessing to our community.”
• The Volunteer of the Year DDA Legacy Award went to Rene Samet for her continued dedication to the DDA.
• Cookies and Cream owner Alaina Campbell won the Strongest Paddler Award. Campbell is a champion for the downtown district and being a strong supporter for everything in Lake Orion, Gibb said.
“I love this community. I love, love, love having a business in downtown Lake Orion,” Campbell said.

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