4.4 percent turn out for school vote

Doug Myer and Anthony Giannola were the big winners Monday in the Oxford Board of Education elections.
Each man was elected to his respective seat by an overwhelming margin.
Myer, 47, won a four-year seat on the board with 404 votes. His vote total was four times that of each of his two opponents, Jamie Flemming and Gary Skelton.
Flemming received 111 votes and Skelton garnered 73 votes.
‘I’m flattered because of all the support I received,? Myer said. ‘What really made me feel good were all the people who came up and spoke to me and talked with me when they came in to vote. That’s really what this was all about.?
Winning the two-year seat was Anthony Giannola, 39, with 441 votes. The new board trustee was so excited at winning the seat, the first thing he did was call his mother.
‘I hope that I can do as good a job as the community deserves,? Giannola said. ‘I’m flattered the community thought I was worthy of this.?
Giannola only faced one opponent, Rob Guzanek, who garnered 112 votes.
Guzanek told Leader Editor C.J. Carnacchio that he intends to apply for School Board Trustee Ron Etherton’s seat. Etherton is resigning from the board June 25.
The school board is expected to appoint Etherton’s successor later this month. The appointee will serve out the remainder of Etherton’s elected term, which ends in June 2004.
A total of 594 of the school district’s 13,454 registered ? or 4.4 percent ? voters cast ballots in Monday’s election. In Precinct #1, those voting at Oxford Elementary School, 510 of the 10,744 registered voters cast a ballot. In Precinct #2, located at Leonard Elementary, 84 of the 2,710 registered voters participated in the election.
The newly elected trustees will be sworn in on July 1 at the school board’s annual organizational meeting.
Editor C.J. Carnacchio contributed to this article.

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