Senior of the Week: Aidan DePauw

Parents: Dave and Dianna DePauw
GPA: 4.250
Favorite subject(s): Math and Science
Extracurricular activities: Some of my favorite extracurriculars are NHS, Cross Country and Track & Field
Hobbies/Interests: Outside of school I enjoy playing soccer and hanging out with my friends.
Plans after graduation: After high school, I plan on earning a degree in Kinesiology at the University of Tennessee Knoxville.
Aidan is proudest of: I am most proud of my success and achievements throughout my time in school. I have been able to keep good grades all while balancing a busy schedule.
Aidan makes a contribution by: I help make the world a better place by participating in conservation and environmental service projects within the community.
What Aidan envisions in 10-20 years:  In 10-20 years, I see myself with a family of my own and living a modest lifestyle. I hope to be working in the sports medicine field as either a Physical Therapist or Orthopedic Doctor.
What concerns Aidan in the world: What concerns me the most is the increasing rate of deforestation and habitat destruction.
Favorite thing about Lake Orion High School: My favorite thing about Lake Orion High School is the energy the school brings. Everybody is always enthusiastic and full of spirit each day of school.
Recommending Teacher: Lucy Logsdon

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