Poorly maintained medians are an embarrassment to township

As you drive north on Baldwin Road over I-75 it’s easy to observe where the Auburn Hills border ends and the Orion Township one begins.

All one needs to do is to look to the neatly mowed and trimmed center medians of Auburn Hills, and the extremely poor ones of Orion. Embarrassing! Can’t wait to see the sloppy look of the future stretch through Gingellville.

If you think it’s just this corner of the township that the Orion grounds crew ignores, just drive north and check out the poorly maintained area around the roundabout at Baldwin and Indianwood.

Who came up with the genius idea to add more green areas to our roadways?

The idea is a nice one but only if it’s regularly maintained. If not, it’s just the eyesore that we greet everyone with who travels to or through our town!

Karen Bell

Orion resident


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