Growing your best garden…

When in a garden, you are enhancing and supporting God’s creation of soil and earth. If you are a gardener, or have one at your house, you know the patience and mental work you go through each year. Your best garden doesn’t begin on the first nice day of the season, or end on the last.

  Gardening is more of a continuous cycle of your thoughts and actions. Weather is a big factor in the success of your garden.

When crops fail or a new idea comes to mind, you take them out, trim them back, and begin thinking on what you can or will change for the next year. As we garden we are always working through ideas about our garden, or life. This mental action feeds and clears our minds both mentally and spiritually.

 Working on our gardens, we create beautiful flowers or produce by being one with nature.

The poem by Dorothy Frances Gurney states it best: “One is nearer God’s heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.”

Do you agree?

Gardening is a passion from start to finish with a lot of meditating and praying from planning to harvest.

    While gardening, you can find an easy connection to God just by spending time caring for your garden.

You want your plants to live, to thrive and you are caring for life. You think positively all season long for the best harvest in the fall. And, you think creatively as you plan a fence or add a scarecrow or an owl statue.

You have happiness inside as you pick or process the fruits of your labor. These actions are connecting our physical and emotional body in positive ways with God’s earth.

 Weeding a physical garden is a great way to work through situations in your life. We cannot always pull people or situations out of our life, nor throw them away. But when weeding we can release stress by cleaning out what doesn’t look good. And, digging up or throwing away, or tilling under, that which we no longer need.

Gardening is then about clearing the consciousness of our minds by going through the motions, or emotions, which relieves stress.

   But gardening is not for everyone. Some of us may prefer to connect with God through nature’s beauty by looking at it and appreciating it, by being one with the essence of nature. Expressing good thoughts, loving, and caring about it, we are being one with God in those moments too.

Metaphysical thoughts, by Charles Fillmore: “Putting our attention into the beauty of God’s creation – we are actually connecting our attention to the substance of God and ‘the garden’ of Divine Mind.”

 On a spiritual level, we recognize all we think, say and do is a manifestation of our thoughts. Our thoughts become our reality, our life. What we plant in the garden of our mind is what we see happening in the outer realms and in our society.

Choose your thoughts as if they are a seed; what you plant, will grow and it is up to each of us to weed that growth. Overgrown or wild and overbearing each of us will create our garden and what we choose to grow.

 Spiritual living is really innate to each of us. It is there within when we come into this physical 3D world we call Earth.

As life happens, we usually become so involved with what is going on outside of us, or with what we want to obtain, we forget our spiritual nature. We are often sensitive to what others say, so we let go of our own spiritual or divine nature.

 Then one day, when we are ready, the teacher appears to remind us who we are. We can grow our spirituality back and it is the best garden to grow! As soon as we hear it, we know it as truth because it innately reconnects us with what God’s energy originally was to us. It takes effort, and mental action from us to keep our attention from the 3D- physical world to the spiritual life.

But, if we have good intentions to grow our spiritual life, our personal garden, we can make it flourish. And, through our awareness, our patience and learning, our spiritual garden grows abundantly.

Blessing you and your family with the connections to feel the loving vibration of God moving in and through all things, including yourself, and visualizing with you that an abundance of harmony, kindness, love and peace is all you know in your life.

“A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.” — Liberty Hyde Bailey

Peace my friends,

Linda La Croix

Unity Director at Unity of Lake Orion. Like her Facebook page, A Spiritual Walk, and visit her website,


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