Brand yourself as someone who does it right the first time

Have you ever had your closet collapse? Have you ever had your closet collapse two times in three weeks? I’ve written before about my love of shopping and fashion. The dark underbelly of those passions is that I have a lot of clothes. I’m not a hoarder, but as I invest in nicer, more timeless […]

How to win the Stanley Cup (or your version of the Stanley Cup)

Before reading this column, I’d like to offer a fair warning to hockey players, hockey coaches and sports fans in general, that I know nothing about hockey or sports in general. Despite being a Michigan native, to say I’m even a hockey fan would be a stretch. What I am a fan of, however, is […]

Shelby Says: Adventure Begins at Your Library

It is no secret that I love reading, and that love started very young. When I was a little girl, my mom and I read a book every night, eventually moving to chapter books where we alternated reading chapters. My dad always had a book in his hand or his back pocket. Reading was very […]

Shelby Says… Lyrical musings

Like many people, I have been spending the last week listening to the new Taylor Swift album. Now, let me say, I’ve never been a hard-core fan of Taylor Swift. I’m a huge fan of words (surprising absolutely no one), music and art. But being that I was 11 when her first album came out, […]

Shelby Says: Self-publishing 101: an adventure in writing

This week I had the opportunity to speak to local aspiring authors about self-publishing. A few months ago, fellow self-published author Jordan Schwarz approached me about combining our efforts for a self-publishing 101 workshop at the Brandon Township Public Library, and I thought it was a great idea. I write for a living, I love […]

Michigan remains cloudy during Sunshine Week

By John Elchert MPA President, Publisher Leelanau Enterprise Editor’s note: Sunshine Week is a nonpartisan collaboration among groups in the journalism, civic, education, government and private sectors that shines a light on the importance of public records and open government. Sunshine Week occurs each year in mid-March, coinciding with James Madison’s birthday, March 16 (1751). […]

Shelby Says: ‘Me time’ and the inevitable bookish adventure

I’m a huge supporter of what I like to call ‘me time.’ That means something different for every person. I know a lot of people whose ‘me time’ consists of reading or watching their favorite television show or cooking uninterrupted. Sometimes they peacefully engage in a hobby, or take a bubble bath. My ‘me time’ […]

Building Brands: Share your Progress and build your brand

Progress season has officially arrived at View Newspaper Group! For those unfamiliar, Progress is a special edition of The County Press, Oxford Leader, Lake Orion Review, Clarkston News and The Citizen published in late March in which our clients are able to share their story with our readers, along with a traditional marketing message. The […]

Shelby Says: Interlocking hearts

Shelby Says: Interlocking hearts

Me and my bridesmaids with our rings on my wedding day. Mine is the one on the bottom left with the gold and silver hearts. Photo: Patrick McAbee Valentine’s day has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love any excuse to spend time with my husband Kyle. We usually go out to dinner […]

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