Enjoying a Michigan winter takes a certain set of skills — one of those being the ability to make a great soup. I’ve written before that I don’t love to cook but, since my mom passed away, I’ve found some comfort (not to mention satisfaction) in preparing meals — and even pies from scratch — […]
One of the many benefits our readers get by engaging with our locally-owned community newspapers is a look inside their local schools. It’s always great to see the various special events, clubs, sports teams, assemblies and learning projects area students participate in throughout the year. It’s especially fun when my nephew or niece (who was […]
After a nice holiday getaway I was ready to return to the office last week, batteries fully changed. Unfortunately, my car batteries did not feel the same. They were dead. Feeling slightly panicked (and extremely grateful that we didn’t drive my car to the airport) I called my husband. Although he works an hour away, […]
Sunday, Jan. 19 is a date to keep in mind if you plan to make a New Year’s Resolution this year. That’s because research has shown that only 18 days after they’ve set their intention for a new year, the majority of people ditch their New Year’s Resolution by Jan. 19. One fitness app has […]
Merry Christmas, everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays celebrating old traditions and creating new traditions. Our tradition is having Papa Price and Grammi Reardon over for breakfast on Christmas morning. Then, unwrapping presents (that were probably just wrapped the night before, if I am going to be honest.) The boys play while the adults […]
The other night my husband and I tried a new restaurant for dinner. The entire experience was great. The place is cozy, the holiday décor was charming, the food was delicious and the service was some of the best we’ve had. What really stuck with us, however, is how the experienced ended. Because we got […]
By the time you read this column, I will officially be 29 years old. Last year I talked about 28 lessons in 28 years, and while I’m sure I can come up with another 29 lessons, I thought I’d prefer to reflect on the past year and mention the 29 best moments for me in […]
Our team at View Newspaper Group is all about making connections. We like to focus on what our readers and the communities we serve have in common. However, while doing research for a client project recently I came across a statistic I wish we didn’t all have in common. According to Feeding America 100% of […]
After a hectic day there is nothing better than settling in on the couch with a big blanket, a hot cup of tea and an “Antiques Roadshow” marathon. Did that statement just age me 100 years? I don’t care, it’s the truth. Listen, I love to work hard and play harder, but as I inch […]
With the holidays (and my birthday) fast approaching, I was tasked with making a wish list to give to family, and like many people, my list contained books. I love to read, and I know I’m not alone in wanting to discuss what I read with people, so I decided to look into how to […]