Timing bad for traffic-light technology

The technology is impressive: fire trucks communicate with traffic lights via satellites so that as they approach, the signals cycle to green.
Cross traffic stops and through traffic clears, so firefighters can get through as quickly and safely as possible.
Also, the 3M company is offering its Opticom GPS Priority Control System to Independence Township at a discount.
Township Board members said they were not opposed to the technology or the idea of preventative projects, just the timing.
In the midst of budget workshops, including one slated for Tuesday, Jan. 9, this is not the time to be approving large projects, said Trustee Larry Rosso at the Jan. 2 regular meeting.
‘I’m not disputing the value ? I think the need is there,? Rosso said. ?(However) we said we were going to do a budget review, and we owe it to the taxpayers to do that review.?
Once the budget workshops are complete, the board will have a better view of where the project fits, he said.
Also, Clarkston would be the first community in Michigan to be equipped with the GPS system, so would probably bear the costs of being on the ‘cutting edge,? said Clerk Shelagh Vanderveen.
The price will likely come down as the technology matures, Vanderveen said.
The board voted 5-2 to table the proposal. Supervisor David Wagner and Trustee Daniel Kelly voted against tabling.
‘I think this is the time,? Wagner said.
The fire department is funded through a voter-approved millage, which means the people trust it to make funding decisions, he said.
‘The people have spoken clearly on this issue,? he said. ‘They overwhelmingly support the fire department to do what is necessary to offer top-notch service.?
As proposed by Fire Chief Steve Ronk, the department would equip 16 emergency vehicles and 10 intersections with the technology, at a total cost of about $119,460.
Most of the equipment is offered in a bundled package, so the cost is about half what it would be if purchased individually, Ronk said.
Intersections would include Sashabaw at Clarkston, Waldon, and Maybee, M-15 at Citation, Waldon, Clarkston, and Washington, and Dixie Highway at Maybee, M-15, and Whitelake.
The GPS system is an advancement over older, infrared traffic-light control systems. In older versions, a transmitter on the fire truck flashes infrared light at a traffic-signal receiver, which triggers the green light. In the GPS system, satellites track vehicles as they move, and trigger green lights as they approach intersections, even from around corners.
Independence Township does not have a significant problem with collisions between fire trucks and cars. However, drivers are becoming noticibly more distracted, Ronk said.
Another possiblility for funding the project is to fold it into road improvement work by the county road commission or private developers as they occur, he said.

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