School board set to fill empty seat, admin vacancies

Deadline to apply for appointment to fill a vacant seat on Clarkston Board of Education is April 12.
District residents interested in applying for the seat can download a Board Applicant Questionnaire from the district website,, fill it out, and return it along with a letter of interest to administration building, 6389 Clarkston Road, by 4 p.m., Monday, April 12.
The school board plans to fill the vacancy with a vote at its April 19 meeting, said board President Steve Hyer.
“They would be able to vote on everything that comes before the board after that,” Hyer said.
Votes may include approving administration recommendations for deputy superintendent and human resources director.
Superintendent Dr. Al Roberts said he will recommend Shawn Ryan, Clarkston Junior High School principal , for deputy superintendent and Anita Banach, director of communications, as human resources director.
“Shawn emerged from the candidate pool as the individual who is best suited to replace Mr. (Dave) Reschke,” Roberts said in an email. “The competition was strong, but Shawn’s capacity to complement the abilities of the central office administrators and the leadership skills that he demonstrated throughout the budget reduction process make him an ideal choice.”
Banach was also among the strongest candidates, Roberts said.
“I had originally planned on recommending a more experienced HR Director,” he said. “However, I have an opportunity to capitalize on Mrs. Banach’s interest and potential, as she has had experience in negotiations and coursework in personnel law, while reducing the budget by eliminating a central office administrator position (director of communications). Therefore, I will be recommending that Anita replace Linda Nester.”
Admininstratin hired the consulting firm Hazard, Young, and Attea of Glenview, Ill., for $18,500 to assist in the administrator search. The $6,000 reported in last week’s edition was the amount billed to the district so far, Banach said.
According to the contract, the district paid travel expenses for candidates invited to interview with consultants or the district. Information on travel costs, how many were interviewed, and information on the candidates was requested but not provided.
“We are seeking legal counsel on what information is to be released regarding candidates and their rights to privacy,” Banach said in an email. “Dr. Roberts is still waiting to hear if there are any legal issues in terms of privacy. What can be released will be given to you as soon as possible.”

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