Postal clerk works to make a difference for soldiers

For Clarkston native Charles ‘Bud? Murray, and those like him in the Air Force and other branches of military service, knowing that those back home are thinking of them while they are serving overseas can make all the difference.
Murray, step-son of Lake Orion Postal worker Hank Turzanski and wife Norma ‘Jeanie? of Clarkston, presented Lake Orion Postal clerk Char Cito with a special coin at the Lake Orion Post Office on May 14, as a show of gratitude for work she has done in collecting items to ship to troops stationed in Iraq.
‘The coin has been around for a long time,? said Murray, a staff sergeant with the Air Force who was home visiting from Iraq recently. ‘There are stories from World War I about how it started…they used the coin to show they were on their side…and now we challenge each other with the coin in the Air Force.?
According to Murray, getting care packages like those sent by Cito and others at the post office mean a lot.
‘A lot of times they run out of merchandise, and then you are out of luck,? he said, adding that such essentials as deodorant and socks sometimes run short.
‘Whenever we have soldiers over there, I try to help, like in ?91 we sent a bunch of stuff,? Cito, a Lake Orion resident, said.
‘We’ve been collecting since they first went over there…anyone can donate for it, most of the people (at the post office) donated $10-20.?
Cito helped gather razors, deodorant, baby wipes, sunscreen, as well as special items like magazines and treats to send.
‘I was totally surprised (at receiving the thank-you coin),? she said. ‘I was proud to do it, and it was my honor.?
‘When you get stuff like that, it’s amazing,? said Murray, who works as a firefighter with the Air Force. ‘We really enjoy getting the cards and stuff.?

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