Oxford Women’s Social Club hits 100 member mark

After starting as just the glimmer of an idea inside a newspaper classified, the Oxford Women’s Social Club has taken on a life of its own.
Since officially forming the group in October 2003, Women’s Club Founder and Organizer Linda Grunewald is proud to report that the group signed its 100th member, Cheryl O’Mara of Ortonville, on June 27.
‘The idea for the club came out of sheer self preservation,? explained Grunewald.
This past year, Grunewald, an Oxford Township resident, suddenly found herself in the middle of an unwanted divorce after 35 years of marriage with close friends and family more than 45 minutes away. The frustrated housewife knew that if she planned to stay in the Oxford area, she needed to find a support base of local friends.
Short of ‘accosting women on the street corner? and asking for their friendship, Grunewald said she decided to take an unusual step and place a classified ad in The Oxford Leader looking for women similar to herself who wanted to go out to dinner and do fun things.
‘When I put the original ad in the classified section… I never in my wildest dreams thought it would turn into what it has today,? said Grunewald. ‘From that first ad I received around 30 phone calls.?
Today, the Oxford Women’s Social Club has a meeting once a month where members can sign up for different activities during that month and meet each other. Grunewald explained that the list of ‘things to do? has grown enormously to include items such as card clubs, book club, garden tours, wine tastings, singles nights, line dancing lessons, couples club, a networking club, tennis, golf, an investment club, artistic club, restaurant dinner parties, craft nights, home parties and even demonstrations. Not all activities are scheduled every month, and the timing varies from daytime to evenings to weekends.
‘Does everyone do them all? Of course not,? said Grunewald. ‘But the choice is there for every level of cost and interest. These activities are not my ideas alone. Most things are suggested by our members, who then volunteer to be the organizer for one particular activity.
‘Our motto became ‘Girl’s Just Wanna? Have Fun!??
Much of the organization of the Women’s Club has gone that way. When the group first formed, Grunewald said the women met at restaurants and discussed what they wanted the club to be. Slowly, as new members began joining, the group had individuals who could make name tags, create a website and help with scheduling.
‘All I ask is that everyone pick their area of expertise and volunteer it when possible,? said Grunewald. ‘Our organization is following in place that way. I just put out the word for what we need, and someone in the group can make it happen.?
For Cheryl O’Mara, the Women’s Club offered her the same ‘self preservation? Grunewald had been looking for six months ago. A registered nurse with three daughters – ages 22, 20 and 16 – O’Mara suddenly found herself divorced with no friends nearby. She found herself doing the same routine over and over: work, home, work, home.
‘It’s hard to meet people,? said O’Mara. ‘I’m shy, but I enjoy going out, and it’s just nice to have people to do that with.
‘I really like that the club’s not negative. It’s all positive. It’s just getting together and having camaraderie with other women. We need more of this around here. Women need the friendship.?
So what does Grunewald have in mind next for the Women’s Club? Simply more and more ‘camaraderie.?
‘We seem to be filling a need for women who for various reasons had a hard time meeting other women friends,? explained Grunewald.
For the future, Grunewald hopes to continue growing the membership, get a website up and running and just ‘keep going so more and more women can meet each other.?
‘Our main goal is to make new people in the club feel as comfortable and welcome as those who have been attending for a while,? concluded Grunewald.
‘The people I have met and the friends I have made have changed my life forever… I am constantly amazed and thankful at how so much good can come out of such a bad situation. Happiness is contagious and makes life worth living.?
For more information on the Oxford Women’s Social Club, please contact Grunewald at 248-628-6546.

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