Oxford woman named ‘Homemaker of the Year?

Oxford is home to royalty ? well, a special kind of royalty anyway.
Daycare provider Lorie Bosetti was named the 2004 Oakland County 4-H Fair Homemaker of the Year.
‘At first I thought it was very overwhelming,? said Bosetti about learning of her nomination, ‘but, see I’m a leader, and when I looked around and saw the smiles on the kids? faces, it was as if they had finished what they started three years ago.?
And Bosetti’s rise in the 4-H homemaker competition truly did begin three years ago. Her first time in the competition began with a child asking her to please run by filling in a questionnaire and participating in the interview process. During the competition, Bosetti answered a question honestly: she would be unable to attend the state fair because of a previously scheduled event. The Oxford daycare provider didn’t place in the top six.
The following year, Bosetti again filled out the questionnaire knowing her ‘answers to the questions did not change except maybe being able to add a few more accomplishments.? She was awarded first runner up and attended several parades and special events in the role.
This year, the homemaker was shocked by the additions to her questionnaire and the support she received from those around her.
‘I had my first Decorated Cake and a Photo I took while on vacation last year in Canada,? describes Bosetti in her state questionnaire of her county win. ‘I also had several children call and ask if I was entering. These children, along with my own two children, were the most support I could have ever imagined backing me up.?
In fact, Bosetti’s children, who are both award winning 4-H participants, wrote a three page letter to the Homemaker of the Year Committee. (Please see the letter in this week’s edition.)
‘I didn’t know about my children’s letter until later,? explained Bosetti. ‘When I read it, I cried. I just cried.?
At the state level, Bosetti did not even make the top six. When asked about the competition, the Oxford mom just shook her head, laughed and joked, ‘I just couldn’t find the words that day.? However, in other categories, she was quite successful. Bosetti said she took Best of Show her first time competing in the Cake Decorating contest. She also took second places in jams, relishes, Christmas decorations and Christmas center pieces.
For the county homemaker competition, Bosetti answered questions such as describing what’s important in her life, listing her definition of ‘homemaker? and what is the greatest wish you could have.
‘Everybody’s a homemaker, male and female,? concluded Bosetti. ‘We all work together to make our families work.?
So what’s around the corner for an Oakland County Homemaker of the Year? For Lorie Bosetti, its promoting what she loves: 4-H and kids. ‘I want to go to different school events and invite the kids to compete – like the art shows and such,? said Bosetti. ‘I want to get more kids involved. It beats them being on the street.?

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