New plan for park policy?

To be in the park, or not to be in the park.
That is the question facing Clarkston city officials. Police Chief Ernest Combs asked the council at its Sept. 25 regular meeting to consider an ordinance to close Depot Park at sunset.
A sign says the park’s hours are from ‘sunrise to sunset,? but current ordinance sets closing time at 10 p.m. Combs would like the ordinance to be changed so that it reflects the sign.
‘Youth congregate in there and from time to time they create a disturbance,? he said. ‘It’s hard to catch them in the act – we need some type of tool to help us deal with these kids.?
If closing time was set by ordinance at sunset, then police could issue tickets just based on a person’s presence in the park. The time the sun sets changes based on the season. According to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, sunset ranges from 9:43 p.m. in the summer to 5:30 p.m. in the winter.
The council declined to change the ordinance at the meeting.
‘It would limit people who are just walking through the park,? said City Council member James Brueck. ‘It’s too constrictive – try to control the problem and not control the people.?
‘Some people there after sunset are not loitering or vandalizing,’said Council member Cory Johnston. ‘But I agree with the chief that we need to control this somehow.?
Problems in the park recently have included spray-painted trees, carving on the gazebo, and pranks involving a porta-potty. Police officers patrol the park, and have been talking to young people and issuing warnings when appropriate, Combs said.
Bonnie Parker of Clarkston, who was in the park Thursday with her daughter, said most of the young people she has seen congregating in the park have been fine.
‘They never seem to interfere with the little ones,? Parker said. ‘I’ve never seen any smoking or drinking, or anything unsavory like that.?
People shouldn’t be in the park after dark, though, she said.

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