Farmers Market more produce, family fun

The spring has been warm and wet — no so good for getting savage sun tans, but perfect for getting a jump on the growing season — this is good news for fans of Downtown Lake Orion’s Farmers Market.
Folks who love fresh, Michigan-grown produce and Michigan-made stuff can plan their Wednesdays around the Lake Orion market, which opens for the season next Wednesday (June 1), from 2 to 7 p.m. The grand opening is June 8.
This year Tracy Woodrum, of Lake Orion’s Downtown Development Authority is managing the market. She’s excited about offering more local food products, more family activities and more fun than in previous years.
Here are a few of vendors to expect: DeMuelenaere Farms, Matt’s Mix, Dehring Farm, Sugar Mama’s Baked Goods, Essentially Made Soap, Frantz Honey, Patios & Perennials, Poppyseed Deli & Fountain, and Kettle Bears Popcorn.
In addition to fresh-cut flowers, veggies and produce, Master Gardeners will be on-site each week from 2pm-6pm. On the second Wendesday of each month, the Lake Orion Home Depot will sponsor kid projects.
‘Some nights we’ll even have live entertainment,? Woodrum said, adding that most of the July and August markets will be followed by the DDA’s Gazebo Concert series.
‘We have a new market bag this season,? she said. ‘They’re U.S. made from recycled cotton and machine washable.? Patrons can get this bag free by adding their e-mail address to our Farmers? Market e-mail mailing list and ‘liking? our Facebook page (
There are planned theme days, like Food, Fun & Fireworks, Back to School, and partnerships with he Lion’s, Horseshoe clubs as well as the Michigan Apple Trail program.
Woodrum is certified by the Michigan Farmers? Market Association (MIFMA), and has a Bachelor of Science degree from Oakland University with a major in Marketing and a minor in Management Information Systems.
The Farmers? Market will take place at 93 S. Anderson Street, adjacent to Children’s Park. The Market is every Wednesday until Sept. 28. Any vendors or farmers interested in participating should contact Tracy at 248-693-9742.

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