Earlier this week I sent a friend a thank-you note for a concert she treated me to in December. I’m sure that broke an etiquette rule regarding how long after an event one should send a thank-you note, so to make up for it I included a photo of us at the show and said […]
In the March 12 issue of The Lake Orion Review there was a picture on the cover of four Lake Orion students making what appears to be gun hand gestures. (“Lake Orion fifth graders engage in Battle of the Books.”) On page three of the same issue, is a story about a Lake Orion High […]
By Eric Hamp Michigan Press Association President, Publisher & Editor Houghton Lake Resorter/Crawford County Avalanche Freedom of the press is important to those who have chosen to be journalists and serve as the peoples’ watchdogs in America for almost 250 years. Many feel that the First Amendment is in peril. Trust in the media has […]
Too many apartment developments slated for Orion Dear Editor, Per the March 5 edition of The Lake Orion Review, on the front page we learn that the Orion Township Board of Trustees unanimously voted to approve yet another apartment development (“Orion Twp. board accepts settlement in Villages of Lake Orion development”). In the last few […]
Cars represent so much. Their very existence is a symbol of American innovation, cars are freedom to travel the open road and — my favorite — they are an extension of your personal brand. Maybe it’s because I grew up in Michigan, but I’ve always loved cars. My parents (maybe foolishly) reinforced that love by […]
We made the escape and ventured to sunny California before the end of February. For six-year-old Oliver it was a lot of firsts on this vacation which started with getting up early on a Wednesday morning and heading to the Detroit Metro Airport. For his first flight he did well, from going through TSA security […]
Progress season has officially arrived at View Newspaper Group! For those unfamiliar, Progress is a special edition of The County Press, Oxford Leader, Lake Orion Review, Clarkston News and The Citizen published in late March in which our clients are able to share their story with our readers, along with a traditional marketing message. The […]
It’s been a very wintery winter with all the snow and the freezing cold temperatures. If you haven’t replenished your hot chocolate, tea or coffee supply this is your reminder. The roads…well I have driven in better conditions and I have driven in worse conditions. Whatever the weather is just be careful wherever you have […]
A few months ago one of my team members walked into work wearing the most perfect fuchsia blazer. I was immediately obsessed and told her as much. Since we don’t always work in the same office I thought it would be OK if I bought the blazer myself, but after some digging I discovered it […]
Enjoying a Michigan winter takes a certain set of skills — one of those being the ability to make a great soup. I’ve written before that I don’t love to cook but, since my mom passed away, I’ve found some comfort (not to mention satisfaction) in preparing meals — and even pies from scratch — […]