McLaren gets the go-ahead

McLaren Health Care cleared another hurdle in its quest to build a health park on Sashabaw Road. The Independence Township Planning Commission voted unanimously to grant conceptual site plan approval to the proposed 79-acre development. ?(The vote) is an indication that the township is going to look at the plan, that we’re interested,? said George […]

Helping out

The weather was cold and it was only November, but the mood was Christmas festive as 81 students from Sashabaw Middle School formed a human chain to unload food for Lighthouse of Oakland County, north chapter. ‘They’ve been collecting all week,? said April Kosin, Student Leadership Counsel teacher at Sashabaw. ‘They’re really come together ? […]

Confusion about the Middle East

The people have spoken, and the official word is that we are all tired of the Iraq War. Even President Bush acknowledges that now. Presidents Bush and Clinton, in his time, probably both wanted to do the same thing, fight ‘the terrorists,? ‘Islamo-fascism,? ‘radical Muslims,? or whatever one wants to call them, but both have […]

Pushing the ‘envelope?

For many workers, hot air comes with the job. For Dan Gauthier of Clarkston, his hot air comes after work is finished. As a hot-air balloon enthusiast, he spends as much time up in the air as he can. ‘It’s a fun, awesome activity ? floating over farmers? fields, checking out what’s going on,? said […]

Sharing music with his song

James Folcik wants people to hear his love song. Folcik has no formal music education, but has been writing songs and poetry for 40 years. About a year-and-a-half ago, the Clarkston resident decided to get one of his songs recorded in a studio, resulting in the ballad ‘Magic Love.? The song has a gentle melody, […]

Unique gift ideas on Main Street

Thanksgiving is past, and the time for Christmas shopping has officially begun. Shoppers looking for unique items and personal service don’t have to look far ? downtown Clarkston has what they need. ‘I try to stock items that are more unique, things you won’t find at the mall,? said Ann Stevenson, owner of the Union […]

County may capsize plan for Sashabaw Road

Public hearings have begun on the Sashabaw Road Corridor Improvement Authority, one of the final steps before it can begin working on about $37.5 million in projects. Obstacles remain, however ? involvment by Oakland County and other government entities may be hard to get. The township has already spent thousands of dollars on the proposed […]

Win a (gingerbread) house at Christmas Greens Market

The Clarkston Farm and Garden Club is raffling off a house at its fund-raiser Sunday. Winners won’t be able to live in it, but they could eat it if they wanted to. Anita Andes, who is chairing the Greens Market fund-raiser, set for Dec. 2, and Mary Himburg spent about 20 hours assembling the gingerbread […]

Turn to the professionals for Christmas tree help

It’s time to decorate for the Christmas season ? if you need help, designers at Bordine Nursery stand ready to assist. At the greenhouse and show room on Dixie Highway and I-75, more than 25 theme trees, created by in-store designers, are displayed. This year, one of them is decorated with stuffed, toy cats, another […]

Volunteers work to support troops

The approaching Christmas season means another holiday missed by the men and women serving in Iraq. Many here are working to make that loss easier to take. Joyce Fulgenzi has made it her mission to support them. ‘I won’t let them be forgotten,? Fulgenzi said. She started sending packages overseas at the beginning of the […]