The students in room 203 at Pine Tree Elementary believe people should adopt cats and dogs from the shelter.
The first reason is if you are lonely, a cat or dog can help to keep you company. If you are feeling sad, they can cheer you up.
Secondly, some animals need special attention. They may have been hurt or abused. By adopting them, they will feel loved and cared for.
Lastly, animals can add to a family. Most kids would enjoy an animal by loving them. Kids will learn to be responsible by caring for them and cleaning up after them.
After you read this, we hope you will adopt a cat or dog from the shelter. In the end, adopting an animal would be good for you and good for the animal too!
– Dan Martin’s third grade
class at Pine Tree Elementary
Editor’s Note: Students in Dan Martin’s third grade class wrote this letter to the editor for their persuasive/opinion writing unit.
The Lake Orion Review commends the third grade students of Pine Tree Elementary, room 203, for their persuasive letter and for their support of adopting animals from the shelter. Keep up the good work.

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