By Megan Kelley
Review Writer
LAKE ORION — The Lake Orion Community Schools Board of Education approved a technology bid award during their June 1 regular meeting.
The approved item from the district’s 2019 series two bond funding includes the installation of the new video surveillance system and door access control system for five district buildings.
According to district documents, in the summer of 2020, the district began installing a new video surveillance camera system and expanding the existing door access control system.
“Replacement of existing video surveillance systems at the selected buildings with new digital cameras will be provided that will provide increased coverage and clarity both inside and outside of each building,” LOCS documents said.
“Included is the necessary equipment to store and playback recorded footage, with ability to add additional cameras in subsequent years.”
Buildings receiving this round of upgrades are Scripps Middle School, Stadium Drive Elementary, Blanche Sims Elementary, the Transportation building and the Administration Building.
The board authorized the Administration to finalize and execute the contract with Interstate Security, Inc. to purchase and install video surveillance and door access control systems not to exceed $251.570.24 with a contingency authorization of $37,735.54 for a project total of $289,305.78.
The project will be funded through the districts 2019 bond series two project funding.
For more information visit the district’s website at
The school board meets regularly at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at the Administration Building.
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