Sheriff to enforce Addison ordinances

The Addison Township Board of Trustees approved a resolution during the Oct. 6 regular meeting that grants Ordinance Officer Art Shaw a leave of absence and appoints the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department as acting enforcer.
Art Shaw, who travels out of state every winter, notified officials on Sept. 26 that he will be leaving Addison Township on Oct. 8. He will be gone for six months, and did express interest in being re-appointed as ordinance officer upon his return.
Township Supervisor Bob Koski looked into possible replacements for Shaw and found that the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department would be willing to take on the responsibilities of ordinance officer during the winter months. In a letter dated Sept. 29 he writes, “Historically, the township has not received numerous complaints during the winter and for that reason the sheriff’s department has agreed to assist during this period.”
The sheriff’s department will not require additional funding for the work and expenditures will be taken from the township’s police fund as stipulated under the sheriff’s contract.
“We will save about $400 a month this way,” Koski informed trustees at the meeting.
Township residents George and Rosemary Adamski stepped forward to ask that approving the resolution be postponed and the position of ordinance officer advertised on the grounds that Shaw was not appointed to the position legally in the first place.
According to information provided by the Adamskis and township resident Sereal Gravlin, Shaw was sworn in initially by Deputy Township Clerk Kelly Richter on June 2 during regular business hours. However, the official appointment to the position was not made until later that same day during the township’s regular board meeting. The township realized the error, and Shaw was sworn in a second time by Township Clerk Pauline Bennett.
The Adamski’s and Gravlin also provided information showing that the board approved the appointment of Shaw by motion and not by resolution, as required by township ordinance No. 105. In addition, Rosemary Adamski read a letter into record claiming that Shaw has exercised selective ordinance enforcement since being appointed officer. Also, the three residents voiced their displeasure of using the Oakland County Sheriff as ordinance enforcers.
“I don’t like the idea of a police officer being an ordinance officer,” said George Adamski. He added that sending a police officer for ordinance violations sends the wrong message to residents.
Township attorney Bob Davis said that in his legal opinion there is functionally no difference in the long run between a motion and a resolution; however, some township items are required to be passed by resolution. He also added that the board should pay particular attention to the comments made by Rosemary Adamski against Shaw.
“I think you’ve make some very serious accusations against an individual,” Davis said to Mrs. Adamski. “I’m just warning the board that some serious accusations have been made here.”
In the end, Davis advised trustees that they would not need to amend the resolution currently before the board, to approve Shaw’s leave of absence and appoint the sheriff’s department as acting ordinance officer, and the items brought forth by the residents could be addressed before Shaw’s return.
The township board approved the resolution with a unanimous roll call vote. Supervisor Koski asked attorney Davis to look at Ordinance No. 105 to determine if a motion works for appointing the ordinance officer, or if a resolution is required.

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