Storm knocks down tree

Intense winds during a storm passing through the Clarkston area, Sept. 3, knocked down a tree on Holcomb Road between Depot Road and Washington Street.
The tree fell across the road, blocking traffic for a couple hours until Clarkston DPW and Road Commission for Oakland County workers could clear it.
Aaron Doughty, in whose front yard the tree used to stand, was in his garage in back when it fell.
“I didn’t hear it come down ? there was a lot of rain and wind,” Doughty said. “I’m glad it didn’t hit anything.”
Neighbor Barbara Weber also didn’t hear the tree fall in all the sounds of thunder.
“I could tell something happened because no cars were going by ? that never happens,” Weber said. “I’m thankful no homes or people were hit.”
A crew from Independence Tree Care was called for a few jobs in Clarkston for downed trees after the storm.
‘We really didn’t have that many called out for this storm,? said Ryan Koechig.
Independence Township DPW director Dave McKee said they received no reports of storm or flood damage.
‘I know other areas near the thumb flooded,? he said. ‘I have noticed the township does pretty well during storms. We have a pretty good storm water system. Not to say we don’t have issues, but overall we do well.?

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