50K run in the park, for the fun of it

Saturday was a day of celebration for Clarkston Wolfpack members and supporters. It was also a day of running and walking during the group’s first 50K Celebration run at Indian Springs.
Nine runners completed the 50-kilometer, 31-mile trek, roughly three circuits through the park’s walk/run trail system ? Leanne Cooper, Phil Custodio, Dave Deering, Lisa Foster, Sally Gabrogge, Jennifer Krausman, Katie Krausman, Tony Mazzola, and Maddie Sandmeyer.
“Dave is amazing ? he just came out and did it,” said Jennifer Krausman.
Mike McIntyre, founding member of the Wolfpack with 32 years with the group, and dozens more also took part, completing one or two circuits.
“Shout out to all of the runners who came out to support and encourage us along the journey. There are too many names to list but seeing all of you along the path made it all seem doable ? your spirit and support were with us every step of the way,” said Krausman, who was celebrating her 50th birthday.
The event was about much more than that, though, she said.
“It’s for anyone turning 50, preparing to turn 50, already over 50 ? it was for everybody,” she said. “The celebration party was truly that , a celebration of friends and lots of love.”
“A celebration of life, friends, all of us as strong people who set our sights high and say ‘let’s do this,'” Mazzola said. “Every year we try to challenge ourselves to do something we haven’t done before.”
The Clarkston Wolfpack, a running group established more than 30 years ago, decided on the event last October.
Runners gathered at Indian Springs and Depot Park every Saturday since early January to train, despite the snow and ice.
“The run itself was much more enjoyable than the training was,” Mazzola said.
Weather during the actual run, March 7, was sunny, clear, and topped out in the 40s. But one memorable training run included snow, turning into sleet, then full rain.
“My clothes clung to my skin ? that one was miserable,” the runner said. “Then there was one in an actual snow storm.”
The event was informal with no official time keeping, and everyone had their own personal reasons for taking part. Whatever the reasons, everyone was there for each other, Krausman said.
“We were all out there together, a pack mentality,” she said. “Through the snow and ice, we came out for each other.?
“It’s a lot of fun, being with each other, staring stories, inspiring each other,” Mazzola said. “That’s what makes it rewarding, learning about each other.”
The group has special thanks to Buckshots in Independence Township for hosting a celebration party after the run, as well as everyone who brought snacks and water for the runners, including Amy Brown, who brought “50th celebration” cookies, which only lasted through two loops, and Kathy Noble for her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
“They were the best ever,” Krausman said. “Thanks to the wagon walkers that got the supplies in and out of the park. Thanks to Paul at Running Gear for giving us our official race numbers. Thanks to Leanne Cooper for making the medals and memory plaques. They will be a treasured reminder of the day.”
For Noble, who ran more than 10 miles of the event, the best part was watching the 31-mile group emerge from the Metropark’s wooded trail for the third and last time on their way to the finish line.
“We heard you coming out, you were so happy and relieved to be out of the woods,” she said. “It was a thrill for us.”
The group meets every Saturday at 8 a.m. at Depot Park. Everyone is welcome.
“We invite everyone to come out, any pace, any weight, any clothes, just be there,” Krausman said.

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