Flag unfurled for veterans

Cedar Crest Academy commemorated Veterans Day with a flag ceremony conducted by veterans.
“It’s important to the kids to see real life example of veterans, and learn about flag etiquette,” said Army Major Jeff Jurard.
Jurard and Marine Major Steve West were joined by Robert Gallo, Chris Giles, and Al McFarland of American Legion Post 1370 in the ceremony, Nov. 12.
“We were asked to take part ? we”re always willing to help,” West said.
Army Major Scott Mori, currently overseas on his third deployment, sent the flag to the Dixie Highway school.
“He recently flew a flag where he is based in Afghanistan to present to Cedar Crest,” said Robyn Mori, his wife.
The family is based in Ft. Riley, Kansas, but when the major is on deployment, Robyn returns home to Clarkston with their children, preschooler Joseph, first-grader Mariellen, and Juliana, third grader.
“Cedar Crest has been a great source of support for myself and my three children during multiple deployments,” she said.

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