Mystery stage coach needs a rescuer

Clarkston’s “Co-op Express” playground stagecoach and horse team will ride off into the sunset, unless someone rescues it.
“I’d like to see it saved by someone,” said Holley Brose, president of Clarkston Co-op Preschool at Clarkston United Methodist Church. “We don’t want to see it scrapped.”
The yellow coach-shaped jungle gym and its team of four yellow bouncy horses must be removed because they don’t meet state code, Brose said.
“We want it to go to a good home, maybe become part of someone’s garden,” said Holley Holloway, parent and co-op member. “It would make a unique garden accessory.”
The structure must be removed by the end of the month, Holloway said.
“We’re going to miss it,” she said. “We used it for group photos for years.”
“It’s sad to see it go,” said teacher Marilyn French. “It’s been the scene of so much imagination and games, it works big muscle groups, swinging on the bars, tests courage when they jump off. I hope it finds the right place, someone who would enjoy it.”
Bearing a close resemblance to train-themed play structures in Depot Park, its origin is the subject of interesting stories, Brose said.
“It was made by the same person who made the Depot Park playground equipment ? there may have been two sets of trains,” she said. “Another story is a senior class 25 years ago took it out of the park as a prank and dropped it off at the church playground.”
However it got there, it is a part of Clarkston history, she said.
“It’s part of Clarkston’s hometown feel,” she said.
For more information on adopting the structure, call 248-673-7702.

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