School election: $44,000 for 2% turnout

For new school board trustee Rosalie Lieblang, the biggest election-night surprise wasn’t who went to the polls to vote, but who didn’t.
‘I was surprised to see how many voters cast ballots absentee,? said Lieblang, who was elected to the board along with incumbent board President Stephen Hyer.
About half of those who voted cast ballots through the mail, leaving many polls throughout Clarkston Community Schools at about 2 percent turnout.
‘Less than 2,000 people went to the polls to cast ballots,? she said. ‘It was a big expense to run the election.?
School elections cost about $30,000. This year’s vote cost $44,000 because Independence Township contracted out election services during its move.
The low turnout was not a surprise to challenger Michelle Beck, who fell 56 votes short of election to the board.
‘I think school elections should be in November,? Beck said. ‘It’s sad. In May, it’s hard to get people to vote on only one item. Unfortunately, with Steve back in office, I doubt elections will be moved. I support Rosalie. She’s as tenacious as I am.?
During the campaign, Lieblang supported moving elections to November, while Hyer said the issue required more discussion.
‘Turnout was low, but the people who voted were informed,? he said. ‘Unfortunately, voter apathy is a problem with every election. It’s something we’ll look at, in terms of moving the election date. We’ll pick the best option for the district.?
Voter turnout for November’s general election countywide was 72.4 percent.
Hyer received 1,281 votes, 35.81 percent of the total. Lieblang received 1,175, 32.85 percent, and Beck, 1,119 votes, 31.28 percent.
‘It was an awesome election ? I was impressed, honored, and humbled so many people voted for me,? said Beck, who does not rule out another try for school board next year.
‘It depends are where I am and what’s happening in the district,? she said. ‘The possibility is always there.?
Hyer said he was pleased with the results.

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