Better science in summer

Working on her school science projects, Jessica Caruso has learned about potential and kinetic energy, and solar and wind power.
She also learned another lesson for next year’s project: start early.
When she performed her field tests for this past school year’s project on wind and solar energy, it was winter. The weather was less than ideal for her solar power cells and aluminum foil wind mill.
“When we first put it out there, it flipped over and the blades flew off,” she said. “We had to keep brushing the snow off the solar panels.”
The wind seemed erratic, too, she said.
“It either didn’t spin or it spun itself to death,” she said.
“We ended up renting a big fan,” said her father, Enrico Caruso of Independence Township. “But she learned a lot.”
Jessica, going into sixth grade at Everest Academy, earned fourth place with her project at the Flint Area Science Fair this past March at Kettering University, receiving a $400 government bond and a certificate.
Topics under consideration for next year’s project include agriculture, so starting earlier this year may be especially important, she said.

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