Motorcycle enthusiasts ready to explore tundra

Rory and Judy Windrim of Springfield Township had an idea for retirement ? a 4,200 trip to Alaska on a motorcycle.
Then they thought, why wait?
‘Who knows what our situation will be,? Judy said. ‘We’re healthy now.?
‘We’ve been planning this for more than a year, seriously for about six months,? Rory said.
They’re planning about five weeks this summer for the trip, on a Honda Gold Wing touring motorcycle.
‘We’re not out to break any speed records,? Rory said. ‘We’ll take 6-7 days to get there, about three weeks in Alaska, then come back.?
Their route will be along the northern border of the United States to Washington, then north through Canada ? on interstate highways as little as possible.
‘If we see something we like along the way, we’ll stay a while,? Judy said. ‘Alaska is a wonderful destination, but it’s the trip I’m looking forward to.?
Her goals for the trip: don’t hit a moose, and don’t get eaten by a bear, she said.
‘Just keep in mind: the car in front of you, behind you, to your left and the right, are out to kill you,? Rory said. ‘Then you’ll be all right.?
The Windrims have lived in Davisburg, raising their three children, for the past 26 years.
‘We love it out here,? Judy said. ‘I fell in love with the people here. It’s a small town.?
‘Everyone knows everyone,? Rory said.
‘We’ll retire here,? said Judy, who works with the Department of Human Services in Pontiac. ‘We’ll buy something smaller, but stay in Davisburg.
Rory, General Motors Skilled trades for 31 years, bought his first motorcycle when he was 16 years old.
‘My mom and dad never had them, but a neighbor did ? I would ride it around his place,? he said.
His father let him get a motorcycle as long as he also had a car. He bought his first bike, a 350 Honda, in 1974.
He bought his first Gold Wing in 1976 just before he and Judy were married. They’ve taken motorcycle trips to Florida, east coast, New Mexico, Niagara Falls, and all over Michigan.
‘You miss a lot inside cars,? Rory said. ‘On a bike, you get the open air, the feeling of the air, a lot more smells.?
‘You see things more when you’re not surrounded by a car,? Judy said
Longtime members of the Davisburg Rotary Club, they hope to use the trip to raise money for the club’s PolioPlus program, to finally end polio.
‘There are four countries still with polio (Nigeria, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan),? said Rory, Rotary Foundation director. ‘We’re looking into collecting pledges.?
Rotary Club of Davisburg meets Wednesday, 7 p.m., at Hart Community Center, 495 Broadway.

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