Trustee to take on May election

Orientation starts next week for Susan Boatman, elected May 6 to the Clarkston Board of Education.
‘I want to learn the process, how to get items on the agenda,? said Boatman, voted to the board along with incumbent board Secretary Joan Patterson. ‘Bring about some change.?
One of Boatman’s first efforts will be to change school elections to November because of low voter turnout, she said.
‘I’d like to see this addressed,? she said.
‘The more people involved, the better,? Patterson said. ‘You always want more.?
Patterson won re-election with 1,048 votes. Susan Boatman received 690 votes.
‘I’m very happy to get the support of the community,? Patterson said. ‘We’re going to have a tough next couple of years.?
‘I’m excited to be joining the board,? Boatman said. ‘I want to thank all my supporters.?
Challengers Jeff Broughton received 444 votes; Brian Kitchin, 404 votes; and Joe Wauldron, 334 votes. Voter turnout was about 4.9 percent, about 1,655 out of 33,778 registered voters in the district.
Kitchin said he wishes Patterson and Boatman well, and hopes they make changes.
‘They (school administrators) got their five percent turnout ? we’re a laughingstock,? he said. ‘Hopefully they will team up and get something done.?
He is considering a run for Independence Township trustee or state representative, he said.
‘Some have asked me to run ? we’ll see,? he said.
Patterson and Boatman start their four-year terms July 1.

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