Drama Club brings CL students? plays to life

Five students at Clear Lake Elementary were completely surprised when they got to become playwrights during an assembly last Thursday.
Students at the school recently spent class time composing stories, both fiction and non-fiction, as a part of their daily writing exercises.
The Oxford High School Drama Club had the arduous task of choosing one story from each grade level to create a short skit about and presented it to the students last week.
First-grader Caitlin Hill wrote ‘My Super Recess,? which was about three school girls who decide to become super heroes while at recess and help out their fellow classmates.
Second-grader Zackery Acton wrote ‘Baseball Game,? which was about a boy who plays a game of baseball and wins the game for the team.
‘Falling Tree? was written by third-grader Sydney Yankee. In the story, a tree falls on power lines during a bad storm while her family is sitting in a car close by.
Fourth-grader Hannah Somerville wrote ‘The Iron Dragon,? which was about a girl who was afraid to ride the roller coaster at Cedar Point, but then conquers her fear.
The last story came from fifth-grader Emily Kargetta who wrote ‘The Other Side of the Tracks.?
Her story was about a young girl who runs away from home when she’s not getting attention from her mother and encounters a villain who chases her. She wakes up to find that it was all a bad dream.
With the theatrical expertise of the high school Drama Club, the students? stories came to life and were enjoyed by all.
‘We just thought it would be fun to enlist the help of our local drama club instead of hiring a company to perform the skits,? said teacher Chad Boyd, who helped organize the assembly.

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