Macocha featured as ‘Super Teen? in magazine

When you mention the name Chandler Macocha around the halls of Oxford High School, you’re sure to hear words like ‘creative? and ‘inventive? from the faculty and student body.
Now, he can be described as a ‘Super Teen.?
Macocha, a senior, was featured with that title in the March/April issue of Next Step Magazine, a nationally distributed college, career and life-planning publication for high school students.
Now in its 11th year, the 2008 contest recognized 185 Super Teens throughout the United States and 15 from the Great Lakes region.
‘The Super Teen award is given to students whose amazing activities extend beyond the classroom,? said Laura Jeanne Hammond, editor and publisher of Next Step.
‘At a young age, they are conscious about the importance of focusing on their education and helping others, which will provide valuable life lessons for life after high school,? she said.
Macocha, 17, was nominated for the magazine by OHS teacher Debra Brown because of his accomplishments.
‘Chandler is always helping with everything and has such a kind heart and reaches out to so many different groups of people,? she said.
She called Macocha an ‘inspiration? that makes her ‘proud to be a parent.?
‘My kids love him and he is a great role model for them,? she said.
Macocha has been active in the school’s theater department, video production, hosting the annual talent shows and Oxford Idol, National Honor Society, as well as pushing for the boys lacrosse team ? just to name a few.
In 7th grade, he invented the Wheelchair Backpack Helper, which is a device that allows those in wheelchairs to access a bag carried on the back of their wheelchair by a swiveling mechanism.
‘They can’t reach it without asking someone else for help,? he said. ‘This way they can be more independent.?
Macocha ended up winning first place in our region for the Craftsman/NSTA Young Inventors Competition and went on to win the national competition in 2003.
He has a patent application pending with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that was filed on his behalf with the help of By Kids For Kids Company who recognized his invention as unique and valuable. They are also working to find a manufacturer to produce the device.
As a result, Macocha was inducted into the National Gallery for the Young Inventors Hall of Fame in Akron, OH and has been honored with the Da Vinci Award for designing for accessibility.
Some of his more recent accolades include his wheelchair invention being mentioned in the National Geographic Teacher’s Textbook, and being nominated, along with fellow OHS senior, Kathryn Burt, for The Oakland Press? Outstanding Senior award.
According to Macocha, it’s important for students to be involved in many different extracurricular activities in school.
‘Especially since in the future it can help you narrow down a topic you want to study,? he said, noting he’s planning on studying film production and directing at the University of Michigan. ‘It’s my passion and it’s also fun and gets rid of some stress.?
He’s also planning on studying biomedical engineering and even wants to become an Imagineer for Disney World, developing plans and rides for theme parks.
No matter what field he ends up in, there’s one thing for sure ? Macocha is sure to give it 110 percent and succeed.

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