Oxford LEGO Team places in Top 5 at state

The OxfordEnergy LEGO Team placed in the Top 5 overall at their state competition held at the Rock Financial Showplace in Novi over the weekend. Their official placing is not known as of yet.
The group took home a 2nd Place trophy for robot design and were announced in the top five for project innovative solution, project research quality and programming.
The team placed 1st overall at the Monroe Michigan Regional Tournament on Dec. 1.
They earned perfect scores in robot design, programming and teamwork.
Coaches Don Gilmore, Dawn Kessler and Scott McBride are most proud of the excellence in teamwork, with a team that is made up of kids ranging from third to eighth grade, along with the added stress of having siblings on the team.
For their research project, the team needed to conduct an energy audit on the Addison Township Library. On Nov. 21, the team presented its findings in a skit form at the Library Board meeting.
The OxfordEnergy Lego team is made up of students from the Oxford Middle School and Leonard Elementary.
Team members include Oxford Middle School students Sean Gilmore, Zac Kessler, Emily Gilmore and Wesley McBride, and Leonard Elementary students Austin Kreshock, Benjamin McBride, Courtney Kessler and Olivia Gilmore.
This is the third year the members of the team have been together. They started as the Leonard LEGO Leopards.
For more information on the team, visit their website at www.oxfordenergy.us.

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