Mission work helps people most in need

Thirteen members of Clarkston Community Church went to prison Aug. 23-25, part of ‘Champions for Life? outreach ministry.
‘It was kind of intimidating when the doors slammed shut behind you,? said Pastor Greg Henneman.
‘The metal detectors, pat downs, it was unnerving at first, but I got acclimated to it ? I really enjoyed it.?
The Champions trip to Grand Rapids, Henneman’s first time inside a prison, was founded by Bill Glass, former NFL player for the Detroit Lions and Cleveland Browns.
To get inmates? attention, the program featured speakers including Glass and Paul Wrenn, the ‘world’s strongest man over the age of 40.?
‘He had the biggest guy in prison come up and jump on his belly,? Henneman said. ‘He was a 413 pound, 6?3?? guy, and he bounced off like he was nothing ? it was pretty impressive.?
Speakers shared how God made a difference in their lives, making them better people.
Henneman and other Clarkston Community Church volunteers then joined team members, inviting inmates to talk further.
‘I had as many as eight guys around me ? some were already believers, some not, some wanted to ask God into their lives,? he said. ‘Many did.?
Immediately after the prison ministry, Henneman joined 15 church members for a trip to Central America for a week of mission work.
‘We want to help people in the third-world countries, help relieve poverty, and bring the message of Jesus Christ,? Henneman said.
During the Aug. 25-31 trip, they provided medical relief, built a house, and started a new church in the mountain village of Borboton. ‘The church has worked through ‘Heart to Honduras,? a ministry based in Xenia, Ohio, for almost 10 years.
The medical team served more than 500 people, from sick babies to elderly adults with skin rashes.
‘The ministry serves the whole person, body and soul,? said Fred Cartwright, leader of the Honduras Team. ‘We have provided clean water to villages, shelter for the homeless, clothing for the naked, and the hope of Jesus Christ.?
‘The Bible tells us that the church is the body of Christ,? Henneman said. ‘We are his hands. We are his feet. It’s awesome to pastor a church that really lives that out.?
For more information on Clarkston Community Church, 6300 Clarkston Road, check www.clarkstoncchurch.com or call 248-625-1323.

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