Holding the line

In a preview of his state-of-the-schools report, set for Aug. 13 at the Board of Education meeting, Superintendent Al Roberts said he is optimistic about Clarkston Community Schools? future.
‘Lots of things are going on, despite the state budget,? Roberts said. ‘I’m pleased we can continue to offer exemplary programs for the kids.?
Advantages for Clarkston Community Schools include excellent students, strong programs, including 17 Advanced Placement courses, International Baccaluriate program, and certification for its OSMTech program, and lots of support from parents and the community.
‘I think we will have another excellent year,? said school board President Stephen Hyer. ‘Whatever challenges come along, we deal with them by examining the data, possible action plans, and then we decide based on what is best for all of our kids.?
Over the summer, Roberts talked to state Rep. John Stakoe and U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers about education issues.
?(Stakoe) is doing what he can to support education ? ‘There are some difficult decisions to make in Lansing,? Roberts said.
‘The message of many has been, as education goes, so goes the state. I’ve been adamant that there should be no more cuts in education.?
Negotiations for contract employees, including teachers, bus drivers, custodians, secretaries, and para-educators, were suspended for the summer, but are set to resume Aug. 16.
‘My expectation is that we’ll put together what is needed ? a contract that is fair despite these economic times,? he said.
Contract negotiations in Clarkston are traditionally based on a mutual problem solving, not adversarial, relationship, Roberts said.
‘Administration and teachers take each other’s perspective very seriously,? he said.
The contract should be ready by the start of school in September, said Karl Bell, Uniserv director with Michigan Education Association, on the teachers? bargaining unit.
‘The goal is to finish by the first day of school,? Bell said. ‘I’m certainly optimistic that this goal can be achieved. If not, we’ll keep working on it.?
The Board of Education is set to meet Monday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m., at Clarkston Community Schools Administration Building, 6389 Clarkston Road, 248-623-5400.

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