Resident asks commission to consider owners? views

When Springfield Township Planning Commission holds a public hearing Thursday on proposed rezonings, homeowner Len Gorz plans to be there.
‘My hope is that they will consider the ramifications on all property owners, and make a full and fair determination based on all the facts,? Gorz said.
The proposal would redesignate some One Family Residential zoning districts as Resource Conservation, and Public Land districts as Parks and Recreation.
According to the township, Resource Conservation rezonings are intended to allow land uses that protect and enhance the environment. Parks and Recreation zoning is meant to help the township reach its full potential in outdoor recreation.
Gorz, who lives in the area that would be rezoned, northwest quadrant of I-75/Dixie Highway, said current zoning already protects the environment.
Also, under Parks and Recreation zoning, minimum lot size would increase from one to 10 acres, an unreasonable restriction on property owners, Gorz said.
‘It shrinks the area that can be developed,? he said. ‘Hopefully, they’ll consider that and not reduce what you can do with your property.?
The meeting is set for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 2, at Springfield Township Civic Center, 12000 Davisburg Road. Documents about the proposed rezonings are available at the civic center. For more information, call 248-846-6510.

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