Reindeer race this weekend

Reindeer will race, bets will be placed, and money will be raised for a good cause this Saturday.
A Night at the Reindeer Races is set for 6:30 p.m. Jan. 27 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 5660 Maybee Road.
Tickets, which are $15, provides admission, food, and the opportunity to buy Reindeer Bucks to place a bet on every race. Eighteen reindeer have signed up, and will race six at a time. Everyone who bets on the winning reindeer with share the purse. Each reindeer will race 2-3 times.
All proceeds will go to Clarkston Area Christmas in Action’s annual Work Day, this year set for April 19.
The nonprofit group helps as many seniors as possible that day, using the funds raised at the Reindeer Races and efforts of volunteers.
‘We do as much as we can in one day,? said Diane Midgley, CIA president.
The group’s priority is to make life safer for seniors. They will repair lights, clean up yards, fix electrical problems and leaking roofs, prune trees, and perform other maintenance work.
The group works with Lighthouse North and the Independence Township Senior Center, and also considers referrals, when selecting the recipients. Applicants meet low-income and disability qualifications, and work with CIA volunteers on a ‘wish list? of projects.
All volunteers are wanted and welcome, but those with carpentry, electrician and other trade skills are needed. Last year, about 200 people volunteered.
‘We’re always looking for volunteers,? Midgley said. ‘This is a wonderful opportunity for people to give their time and energy to people who need help.?
The wooden, wheeled reindeer, which were decorated by their sponsors, will also compete in a best-dressed contest.
During the races, the roll of a dice will determine the progress of each competitor. As reindeer move down the track, a computer will update each one’s odds of victory.
An emcee will provide race-by-race commentary.
‘The emcee does a great job,? Midgley said. ‘It’s a good time for everyone.?
For ticket information, call 248-625-4711 or 248-625-1932.

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