Car-deer crashes up nine percent in Oakland County

It can happen in a matter of seconds.
You’re driving down a dark road, when all of a sudden, a deer dashes in front of your car.
Most drivers react quickly by swerving off the road to keep from hitting the deer, but the Michigan Deer Crash Coalition is urging motorists to ‘Don’t Veer for Deer.?
According to the MDCC, October and November are the two most dangerous months in Michigan for automobile accidents caused by deer.
Oakland County had a nine percent raise in car-deer crashes last year, from 1,551 in 2004 to 1,704 last year.
Addison Township had 101 car-animal accidents last year and Oxford Township had 91. Rochester Hills continues to be the number one community in car-deer crashes with 186 last year.
Kent County came in first last year with the largest amount of car-deer crashes, followed by Jackson, Calhoun and then Oakland.
Last year, nine Michigan motorists were killed and 1,700 were injured as the result of a car-deer crash, according to a recent MDCC press release.
To prevent injuries and even deaths from hitting deer, the MDCC recommends drivers don’t swerve, brake firmly and come to a controlled stop when a deer is hit.

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