Of triplets and sports

When Ann Lowney resigned as coach of the Clarkston varsity girls basketball team on Nov. 18, 2004 after eight seasons on the job, she left in the interest of ‘pursuing being a mommy.?
Her new role as Everest Academy’s Athletic Director allows her to spend time with her triplets, Serra, Mitchell and Gracie, and put her masters degree in Athletic Administration to good use too.
‘This is what I have always wanted to do. I love it,? Lowney said, who officially took over the AD position on Nov. 11. ‘It allows me to be a good mother and have a career.?
The bulk of Lowney’s work is completed while her children take part in Everest’s half-day, Junior Kindergarten Four, a five day program that operates as a pre-school for four-year-olds. Right around noon is when Lowney morphs back into a full-time mom.
‘My kids love coming to my office,? Lowney said.
The metallic brown file cabinets in Lowney’s office are colorfully decorated with the triplets? drawings. While the children enjoy the office, Lowney has been admonished by her progeny when she becomes too focused on her work; she says they have even threatened to take away her computer privileges.
When the lure of their Davisburg home overwhelms coloring and watching videos in their mom’s office, Lowney takes the triplets home, but is still able to keep pace with her duties. Being able to set schedules and correspond through e-mail from home helps quite a bit.
‘If I didn’t have the internet I would not be able to do this,? Lowney said.
Her husband Pat has also helped with Lowney’s transition from full-time mom to full-time mom and athletic director as well.
‘He has to help out a lot more. He’s really had to step up his role,? Lowney said.
Perhaps most importantly, Everest’s close knit community allows Lowney to give her children the attention they deserve while ensuring the school’s multiple sports programs run smoothly.
‘That is why it works, because (Everest) is small. This is a family. The people are all willing to help each other and help me,? Lowney said.
The community atmosphere is part of what drew Lowney to Everest in the first place.
‘Everest offered my kids everything they needed,? Lowney said.
Prior to slipping into the AD’s chair, Lowney taught physical education at the girls school twice a week; a commitment she still upholds.
Having taken over just as the fall sports season ended and the winter season was set to begin, Lowney feels she has already endured the ‘busiest time of the year.?
Prior to taking the job though, Lowney received a strong vote of confidence from Clarkston Athletic Director Dan Fife.
‘I called Dan Fife before I took this job and he told me the hardest part is the scheduling,? Lowney said. ‘He said I’d be fine. What’s been nice is my master’s degree has come in handy.?
Having survived the initial barrage of scheduling and uniform collection, Lowney is settled in at Everest and hopes to increase the awareness of the school in the community in the future.
Next year, the triplets start full day schooling at Everest, which will no doubt make her job that much easier. Until then though, at least Lowney is guaranteed to have the prettiest file cabinets around.

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