Spray Park a splash hit

During the first full summer for the Renee Przybylski Memorial Spray Park, lessons were learned, successes had and many children soaked to their heart’s content.
‘It’s been a great year. People have been coming from all over the place,? said Kevin Breen, aquatics director for Independence Township Parks and Recreation.
According to Kelly Hyer, recreation programmer for Independence Township Parks and Recreation, 29,338 people visited the park from May 30-Aug. 18. Hyer also said the park averaged 12,000 visitors per month. Attendance numbers are based on daily counts performed by Independence Township Parks and Recreation staff.
The spray park closed 11 times over the course of the summer, a number which pleased both Hyer and Breen.
‘As a whole (maintaining the spray park) was different. A lot of new responsibilities and a lot new things none of us could have expected. Overall, I think it went great and next year will be even better. I think we worked out all the bugs,? said Breen.
The majority of the closings over the summer were tied to chlorine levels and clogged pipes.
Breen expects the spray park to remain open as long as weather permits and mentioned the facilities? heater can optimize water temperature even when the air temperature dips.
‘We don’t have a given day we’ll close (the park). It could go all the way to the end of September,? said Breen.

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