Clarkston/Waterford Relay for Life a success

In the end a move to Waterford for the Clarkston Relay for Life meant one thing ? the fight against breast cancer and message of perserverence in the face of adversity were spread to a bigger audience.
Due to construction projects at both the high school and junior high tracks in Clarkston, the relay found a home at Pierce Middle School in Waterford and was held from 10 a.m. on July 23 to early in the morning on July 24.
(The Waterford Schools) extended their hospitality. We’d like to see continued support from this area in the future.? said Sallie Franks, member of the Clarkston/Waterford Relay for Life planning committee and entertainment chairperson.
According to Michelle Fallscheere, liason to the American Cancer Society with the CWRFL, the final count of the money was $119,000. She expected more money to trickle in over the next few days.
This was the sixth anniversary for the Clarkston Relay for Life. The Relay for Life committee thinks that the event will continue to be the Clarkston/Waterford Relay for Life.
According to Fallscheere, the Relay will probaly be back in Clarkston next year, and might alternate between the two communities in years to come.

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