Best laid (field) plans don’t go astray

With two weeks to spare before the start of football conditioning, the new synthetic turf field at Clarkston High School was completed on July 15.
Prograss LLC completed the project on time and on budget.
‘We are really happy; (Prograss) did a great job. There weren’t any changes as far as the turf they installed and the price they quoted us,? said Wes Goodman, Clarkston schools? building and grounds director.
‘We are the first (school in the area) done and that is because we were able to get started earlier. We didn’t want to be the first school to have to move a game to a another location,? said Goodman.
Lake Orion’s new synthetic turf field is currently under construction, as are three fields in the Rochester school district.
The laying of synthetic turf began on June 21, after the field was stripped of grass and a new base was dug and filled.
‘The only uncommon thing with this field was how intricate (the) center logo is,? said Darren Spencer, site supervisor with Prograss.
Adorning the 50-yard line and stretching nearly 10 yards in either direction is a wolf head, complete with maize and blue eyes and a lolling red tongue.
According to Spencer, the stitching and gluing of the midfield lupine mug took three days.
The field also features permanent markings for both football and soccer. The ability of the field to be used for multiple sporting events and classes during the week was a major part of the school board’s decision to approve the synthetic turf upgrade.

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