Plea bargain reduces charges against cop assault suspect

The man charged with assaulting a restaurant manager and a Clarkston police officer pleaded guilty to a lesser charge last week and will face sentencing on two misdemeanor offenses.
Thomas M. Wilhelm, 45, of Lake Angelus, was previously charged with resisting and obstructing a police officer (a two-year felony), assault and battery (a 93-day misdemeanor), and disturbing the peace (a 90-day misdemeanor) after a Jan. 15 incident at the Clarkston Union Bar and Grill.
At a Feb. 10 appearance before 52-2 District Judge Kelley Kostin, the prosecution agreed to amend the first charge to another count of assault and battery and to drop the disturbing the peace charge. In exchange, Wilhelm agreed to plead guilty to the two assault charges.
After the staff at the Clarkston Union refused to serve alcohol to Wilhelm on Jan. 15, police reports said he became unruly, grabbing a manager before attempting to leave the establishment. Wilhelm (who is confined to a wheelchair) later grabbed a police officer’s jacket, pulled him down and punched him in the face.
Kostin ordered Wilhelm to report to the probation office for a pre-sentencing report before a date for sentencing is set.
Kostin also continued Wilhelm’s $100,000 personal bond, but defense attorney Larry Barnett successfully lobbied for permission for Wilhelm to visit Florida for two weeks to view a potential real estate purchase.
Barnett said Wilhelm has abstained from alcohol since his arrest and is now receiving counseling.
Neil Wallace, who serves as Wilhelm’s civil attorney, welcomed the news of the plea bargain.
‘I think it was a good resolution to a difficult situation,? Wallace said. ?[Wilhelm] is turning his own situation around.?
Clarkston Police Chief Ernest Combs thought the case was worthy of full prosecution.
‘I’m extremely disappointed in the outcome of the case,? Combs said. ‘I was not in agreement with the prosecutor’s office’s decision to reduce the charge to the extent it was reduced. I strenuously objected.?

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