Hats off to Clarkston area youth

Thousands of teenagers are drawn towards the equator around this time of the year.
Like so many, Clarkston High School senior Anna Kerr is jetting to balmier climes. Unlike the majority, Anna’s trip is one of philanthropy.
Anna, as well as her mother Maureen Tippin, will join others from all over Michigan and Ohio on the Midwest Medical Mission to the the Dominican Republic. Since 1974, the mission has provided relief to people seeking treatment of cleft lips, hernias, malnutrition, various kinds of infections, congenital disorders and other abnormalities.
‘It feels great, but at the same time it is heartbreaking. Because there are always people at the end of the day that are lined up at the door waiting to get medical attention and we have to say ‘I’m sorry,? especially on the last day,? said Kerr.
Having taken part in the mission last year, Anna, a fifth year Spanish student, will reprise her role of translator for a team of close to 25, including nurses and surgeons.
‘Obviously I don’t do any medical stuff, but I did as much translation as I could (last year),? said Kerr, who added that some of her other responsibilities included checking in patients and fetching various medical items for the doctors and nurses.
During the eight days Anna spent on the mission last year, over 500 people were treated and 70 surgeries performed.
The mission also visited an orphanage, which left a lasting impression on Anna and made her want to do something more for the children she encountered.
‘The kids have lice and fungus on their head. I just wanted to get them some hats for prevention and because many of them are embarrassed about their conditions,? said Kerr.
Anna has been collecting baseball caps to distribute on her upcoming trip from her classmates and friends.
‘I knew I wanted to do something after I visited the orphanage, but it did not really come into motion until a month or two ago. I really was not anticipating much participation, I thought (I’d get) 15 or so. A lot of kids are like ‘Oh shoot, I’ve got to get you that hat.??
Having given away a handful of baseball caps last year, Anna will return to the Dominican Republic this year with over 75.
?(The kids) really don’t have much and when you give them something, like a hat, something that we would just be like ‘Oh thanks? about, they light up and there is true appreciation,? said Kerr.
Anna departs for the Dominican Republic on Feb. 18 and remains there with the Midwest Medical Mission for eight days.
Upon her return Anna will pick up where she left off as an exemplary student at CHS. Her cumulative GPA is 3.96 and she is the vice president of the Spanish Club. Recently, she received the Daughters of the American Revolution’s Daughter Award. Anna will attend Northern Michigan University in the fall, and is looking forward to their education program.

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