DPW puts new lift truck to work

Clarkston DPW workers are getting up in the world, thanks to the latest addition to their fleet.
A $45,000 lift truck has seen lots of use in the past couple weeks, and DPW Director Bob Pursley sang its praises to the city council on Nov. 8.
‘It’s a very nice piece of equipment,? Pursley said. ‘It’s the kind of thing that, once you have one, you wonder what did we do for years without it.?
Earlier in the day, the DPW had changed out several city street light bulbs, and will be able to do more preventive maintenance. In addition, long-neglected tree trimming in city street right-of-ways will be a more regular function for the DPW.
Pursley said all four DPW members have been certified in use of the lift truck, and that certification must be renewed every three years.
In answer to council questions, Pursley said the new truck may be loaned to the Independence Township DPW from time to time, consistent with past cooperative practice.
‘This piece of equipment is no different than any piece of equipment we have,? he said. ‘We borrow they’re stuff. We borrow their chipper quite a bit.?
Meanwhile, the city DPW will take over duties formerly handled by township equipment. The banners over M-15 announcing community events and erecting of city Christmas lights (in conjunction with the Clarkston Rotary) are among such duties to be handled by the new lift truck.
With access to high branches such a difficulty, Council Member Dan Colombo asked if the DPW might provide tree trimming to city residents for a fee.
Pursley said both risk and time would be challenges to such a plan.
‘That would be a liability issue,? he said, adding, ‘We have so much work to do just to keep up with our own trees.?
In a similar vein, Pursley wishes the DPW could offer driveway snow plowing service to elderly and disabled city residents. He has talked to the city attorney and insurance representatives, but liability is again the issue.
‘The guys want to do this on their free time, if they can use city equipment,? Pursley said. ‘They hate seeing these elderly people trying to clean six inches or 12 inches of snow out of their driveway when with our equipment, in 10 minutes or less, we’d be done.?

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