Springfield man charged with computer porn crimes

A tip from a house cleaner led Oakland County Sheriff investigators to file multiple charges against a Springfield Township resident who allegedly had numerous images of child pornography on home computers.
David N. Benton, 44, was scheduled to appear in 52-2 District Court on Tuesday for a pre-trial examination before Judge Michael Batchik, according to Sgt. Mark Gardner, commander of the Springfield Township sheriff substation.
Charges include two counts of criminal sexual conduct-second degree (children under 13), eight counts of possession of child sexually-abusive material, eight counts of using a computer to commit a crime and one count of possession of marijuana.
Benton was arraigned before a magistrate Nov. 5, and was being held in the Oakland County Jail with bond set at a full $400,000.
Gardner said the investigation began Sept. 9 when a woman employed to clean Benton’s home came across evidence of the pornography. She contacted the sheriff’s department, and Gardner gave her credit for her willingness to get involved.
‘She easily could have turned her head the other way,? he said.
Local deputies contacted the county’s child crime unit, which executed a search warrant and confiscated two computer towers, photos, a camera and a small amount of suspected marijuana.
A Sept. 10 search produced additional photos, a video and a computer printout, reports said.
With that evidence, Gardner was able to contact the mother of two children identified as possible victims. On Oct. 12, the children were interviewed by representatives of CareHouse, which specializes in helping victims of child sexual abuse.
That interview was added to the evidence presented to the county prosecutor, which issued the arrest warrant Nov. 1.
Gardner said Benton could have victimized up to three children in his suspected criminal activity.
Results of the scheduled preliminary exam were not available prior to The Clarkston News production deadline.

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