Track ends with two state placers

After completing a strong regular season, the Oxford Track Team once again sent two top athletes to state competition.
Senior runner Donnie Richmond and junior thrower Vince Belitsos each competed this past week in some of the toughest state competitions ever seen in Michigan.
‘There were several high school records set this year,? said Head Coach Andrew McDonald. ‘The heat and humidity was intense that day. It was a very competitive race, very fast.?
Donnie Richmond took eighth place in the 1600 meter with 4:18.19, breaking his personal best of 4:20.05. He also took 12th place with 9:40.06 in the 3200 meter.
‘Donnie gave it everything he had in the mile,? said McDonald. ‘It just got a lot faster this year. Last year he would have taken second in the mile with 4:18.?
This season was Vince Belitsos? first time at state in his three year career. The Wildcat junior began the day in discus competition and, according to McDonald, ‘really struggled early on? with short throws that didn’t qualify him for finals. According to McDonald though, the star thrower regrouped for shot put and pulled a respectable fifth place finish with 52?10.5?.
‘It was nice to see him come back in the shot put. He’s really worked hard this season,? said McDonald.
Several Oxford track members were honored by the league coaches this past weekend. Receiving Women’s First Team All League honors were Kalyn Cookingham in shot put, Deann Kujawa in 200 meter, Krysten Sylva in 100 meter and the 800 meter relay team (Ashlee Eller, Deann Kujawa, Sylva and Theresa Miner). Presented with Second Team All League honors were Kacey Cookingham in discus and the 400 meter relay team (Tiara Tatarczuk, Deann Kujawa, Sylva and Miner). Honorable Mentions went to the 3200 meter relays team (Lauren Cribb, Carly Gailey, Liz Hazelwood and Jamie Hoffman).
Receiving Men’s First Team All League honors were Donnie Richmond in the 1600 meter, 800 meter and 3200 meter; and Vince Belitsos in shot put and discus. Second Team honors went to the 3200 meter relay team (Kevin Brown, Pat Streit, Donnie Richmond and German Guerrero). Honorable Mentions included Kam Mueller in 110 hurdles, Adam Richmond in 1600 meter and Kevin Brown in 800 meter.
Both the men’s and women’s track teams will be saying farewell to several graduating seniors. The strong group of upperclassmen was known by coach and teammates to ‘lead by example? and be some of the ‘hardest workers who weren’t necessarily the most vocal.? Graduating track members are: Kevin Brown, Andrew Darin, Donnie Richmond, Tim Rowland, Scott Salgat, Chris Schnur, Tab Wood, Kalyn Cookingham, Megan Davis, Theresa Miner, Jenelle Parker, Ashley Peterson, and foreign exchange student Bjorn Niekenke.
Despite a loss of so much experience, the Oxford track team is still shaping up pretty well for the 2005 season. Coach McDonald said he is looking to strengthen his girls distance runners and his boys sprinters, and add in some pole vaulters for the first time. No matter what, though, the first year track coach admitted he will miss his core leaders.
‘These are such a nice group of young adults,? he said. ‘They’re great to be around. As a trainer for the past four years, to see them grow from skinny freshmen to great athletes has been a privilege, and to also see them all become great scholars has been a joy.?

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