What have you been doing in the spring sun, Lake Orion?

I love being outside.
It’s not news to my friends and family and probably some regular readers out there. With our new baby in tow, my husband and I traveled to Sault Ste. Marie last weekend for a meet-and-greet celebration with my side of the family. Even in my sleep-deprived state, I nearly jumped for joy when I went outside Friday morning.
Temperatures were in the mid-60s and the sun almost took away need for a jacket. My little family spent the afternoon playing in the woods, baby strapped into a carrier. My husband chopped wood for the fireplace while I toted the little guy and tried to keep our dog out of the mud.Then, on the way back downstate, we stopped off in West Branch for dinner.
I had been snoozing in the backseat while my husband chauffeured, and I had no idea how beautiful the weather was until I sleepily stumbled out of the car. We got our food to go and picnicked on a table outside. The baby waved his hands and feet at the trees and the trees waved back in the breeze. Until last weekend, the little man hadn’t really been outside except to scurry from the car to the house, wrapped up in a blanket.
I think he liked his first outdoor adventures. (Fun aside: The Upper Peninsula still has snow on the ground and ice covering the lakes while the maple tree outside my house in these parts is budding.)
What have you been doing in the spring sun, Lake Orion? Was anyone brave (or maybe crazy) enough to jump in the water, Sunday? Whether it’s been walking the dog, taking your family’s first trip to the park, planting this year’s garden or any other weather-friendly thing, let The Review know what you’ve been up to.
Send us some photos and a description and you could end up in print! Lakeorionreview@sbcglobal.net or 30 N. Broadway, Lake Orion, 48362

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